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End of 2020 Review, 2021 Goals
🎄 Sadi 🎄 January 6, 2021 4:14 pm
Be on the look out for the staff contests in the voting feature.
Some contests will be posted twice. Please read the description posted with them and pick your TWO favorites in that case. This is to help us space out the winners.
Read this to understand how winners will be picked

End of year review:
I might have missed things, but I've gone through to compile as much as I could.

Draggable / Resizable Items
Dress Up Contests (judged by users!)
Arctics NEW BREED!
Wajas Merch!
Referral System
Crafts - This just shows what crafts are, visit the library for more information!
Save your streak for pear game
Mutation Markings
Forum Trick or Treat
Guild Secret Santa

Library Achievements:
Reference Section
FAQ Section
Wajas Dolls Section

2021 Goals:
Remember, these are our hopes for the year.

- More mobile friendly
- Improved custom demo
- Improved waja picker

Sadi Goals for Social Media / Events:
We're gonna try really hard!

- Develop some kind of loose schedule for when games are guaranteed to come out.
- Pick back up staff and NPC spotlights.
- Get caught up on Labyrinth and get at least...3 rounds done this year.
- Reach all of our Social Media follower goals.
- Get a tumblr sorted out.
- More Wajas based holidays (click).

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