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Digital Doodlecorn Shop
🎄 Sadi 🎄 March 25, 2021 6:09 pm

Pitter pattering echoes, the sound of a small critter stampede a whisper on the wind. What could be coming?

Doodlecorn Shop:
In an effort to pad his retirement dream, Aurum has started a new endeavor. Fret not, he'll still be selling CWP, but he's also taken up trading Doodlecorn's in need of homes for Terran currency. He requires any potential adopter's to sign a contract verifying they are allowed to use their Paypal to bring these Doodles home, the same as when they are trading their currency for CWP.

With this, Aurum is now one step closer to leading his uprising to liberate canines living under the Terran control.

To celebrate the new step, he's put a handful of Doodles up seeking homes. Please follow the link above to go check them out.

Important Notes:

✨ - Only Paypal will be accepted. You will be required to sign the same contract you do when you buy CWP.
✨ - You are buying the digital copy first. After you've bought the digital copy, Estu will offer you the chance to have a physical copy made. If you want this, she will make you a listing on Etsy, you'll have to pay the 1.00 fee for Etsy + shipping. The physical copy will be done as close to the digital as possible. If you do not want the physical copy, that's fine as well.
✨ - You can only buy one Doodlecorn at a time. We do not have a "Cart". So if you have your eyes really set on one, go for that one first, as there is no guarantee that it will be there after you finish buying another one.
✨ - You will receive 20 copies of the Doodlecorn, and will be able to get more on the Doodlecorn library page at "1 doodle per 1 CWP".
✨ - Once you click the Purchase button, you have 30 minutes to complete the PayPal purchase, otherwise it will go back into the shop
✨ - This is technically a Beta Launch of the shop, but we've tested as much as we can with the people on hand, it is now time to roll it out and see where we get when we have people really testing the feature. If things go wrong, we will take this offline and tweak / fix things, and rerelease once fixed. You will retain ownership of any Doodles you purchased! Please be understanding of this if you're going to attempt to nab anything during this release.
✨ - We will be trying to do releases in as many different time zones as we are able to. If you miss any from one release, hold tight and we'll have another as soon as possible.

As always, thank you for your support.
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