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Etsy Merch Sale
Zestu April 3, 2021 1:22 pm

Hey those of you who keep tracking of my Etsy goings.. ;P (If you dont want to see these kinds of posts please go into your News Settings, which is located on the News page. There is a check off for Merchandise, make sure you have that unchecked.)

I will be posting the following things on Wajas' Etsy today at 4:30 pm EST (Wajas time)

The following Wajas LARGE Dolls:

Size Comparisons and rough dimensions are here

These dolls are showcasing my new sculpts for Wolf head and paws! The anatomy is a bit cleaner on them as well and I just adore the toebeans <3 I ran out of armature but I do have others coming. *Purple doll was chosen by a friend, sorry!

These dolls are $400.

You can view more pictures of them in the Doll Chapter in the Library.

I also have the first Doodledurgs coming today:

They each have their own pages as well: Library Doodlecorn Chapter

I havent had a chance to make their art but will shortly here... If their art isnt assigned to them by the sale they'll definitely be up before the end of the night. So as per the previous Doodles, you'll get 20 of each of these.. However, Doodledurgs will be $50. Doodlecorns are $20. Then Im thinking maybe Doodledonks in the middle?

Please only buy -ONE- Doodledurg in the first hour to allow others a fair chance to get one.

After the first hour, you're welcome to go for a second if you want :)

Much Love,
~ Zestu

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