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Please Read, Event information
🎄 Sadi 🎄 December 28, 2021 9:45 am
Good morning folks! Hope everyone who partook in the Holiday festivities had a good one!

We're just here to post about a couple things! First off: It's nearing the end of December. The end of December means the end of FoF, which means, if you are sitting on entries, procrastinating posting, now is the time! To find all FoF contests, please revisit this news post. Remember, there is also a coloring minigame located in the Admin Minigame forum section as well.

Next up on the agenda! Closing Credits for FoF: those will happen once we have the winners for the FoF. When will we have the winners for FoF? When the staff is done judging. ETA around the end of January beginning of February (this is at the latest, it could be earlier, I am just giving myself extra time). Keep your eyes peeled for them then. Please do not PM me asking when winners will be announced unless it hits past the noted time above.

Now on to the hot topic! Goblin Gift Exchange. Before we go into this, I'd like to redirect users to THIS news post. If you did not read it before partaking, you should have, it was released as a site related news post, which means urgent / important, and that means not knowing about it is on you. Basic TLDR: We made changes, they might not be perfect, if it's not, we'll make more changes.

Some things to note about the exchange -
As much as we try, not everyone will be happy with the items they received. Does this mean we're not going to revamp? No. We agree it's still not where we want it, we will continue tweaking it, but even when we get it to a state where most people are happy, there's always gonna be someone who put in the highest of a tier and gets back the lower end of a tier.

We will not be making tiers public. It leaves too much room for exploitation. While YOU might not do it, that doesn't mean no one will. What we will say is this: tiers are done via WC price, that's how the code pulls it, and item prices are always changing. There was no bugs or glitches. Did the code as is have some unintended results? Yes. However, it was not a bug or a glitch.

We cannot re-sort the Goblin Exchange. Nor can we return items. We ask that people stop messaging mods requesting a refund. A disclaimer will be put on both the Reference Guide and on the Goblin page for future knowledge, but like all games of chance Wajas hosts where you put money or items in, even if you don't win, you do not get a refund.

As I noted above, we will be working on ways to improve - staff is tossing back and forth ideas as I type - and will continue working to improve the feature. Once we get it somewhat where we want it, we will possibly run a few hard tests, maybe do a few hard tests when it's done, with you all to put it through the ringer.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with this feature as it continues to improve, as a way of showing our thanks, everyone who partook will receive a small gift shortly. We hope we can get it somewhere where the majority is happy with it.

If you wish to discuss the Goblin Exchange on this News Post, make sure you keep the criticism constructive and not bashing. Saying "I hate this feature" etc, is not constructive. Saying "I think it would be better if we did x,y,z" is constructive and staff will give your ideas a peek. It might not be taken, but your voice will be heard. If you make something that is non-constructive, staff will remove it and continuing to make them will result in warnings following the warning system.

Happy Tuesday y'all!
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