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Friend Fest Ends!
🎄 Sadi 🎄 March 1, 2022 10:21 am
With the end of February, FriendFest has came to a close. I've locked all of the threads and tossed the staff the contests to judge. I'm allowing them until the 20th of March to get in their votes, and then myself until the 25th to get it tallied - so expect winners around the end of March. Participation Prizes will go out when I announce the winners and post the end of event credits, so those will also go out around the end of March. Please hang tight while we get this judged, tallied, and sorted.

I'll also be tallying up the NPC name votes over the next few days, and later this week I'll have a poll for you, so be on the look out for that.

Thank you everyone who partook and I'll see you all on the next news post!
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