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New Feature: DNA Emporium & Mystery DNA
🎄 Sadi 🎄 March 18, 2022 9:14 am

"Oh what's this? A customer looking to make an honest purchase? Why yes, I am happy to sell you some of my finest goods, if only you have the CWP to spare."

Introducing Gladion. A young lad who everyone is curious about but no one actually seems to know. His friend circle is few, and those that genuinely know him are even fewer. However, after spending a good amount of time lurking around, garnering people's interest, he has finally taken up shop - if you can call opening his hoodie whenever someone passes by, showing a plethora of oddly shaped helixes a shop.

His shop, while a bit...shady at best, is said to be the hottest way to get DNA's, many claim it operates much the same as the Dye Emporium. Each week, Gladion offers a DNA or two for purchase, and then the following week he gets stock of two other DNA's.

He doesn't take returns though, so make sure what you buy is truly what you want! It's not his fault if the DNA doesn't work the way you thought it did. He's already spent the money you used to buy it. Sorry not sorry.

So when you have a spare bit of CWP, look around for a shifty looking lad, and see what his hoodi--err, shop holds!

Click to Visit the DNA Emporium
What is currently in shop, will be gone upon restock on Sunday.

Emporiums going forward will not restock an item back to back.
DNA restocks at midnight on Sunday.
Mystery DNA can be found in the Dye Shop.
To see what is available and where for DNAs, please visit the DNA List.

Unrelated news: Friend Fest judging is done, Sadi will be doing the winners and credits announcement next week (for both site and SM games). She's been sick this week and hasn't had a chance to really settle down and get everything - credits and winners - wrote up. Thanks for your patience!
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