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Transfers Updated
Code June 4, 2022 9:08 am

We've been working behind the scenes for the last few months updating the Transfers pages. We had several goals:

  • Give Transfers a consistent look across the various transfer types
  • Give access to past transfers, both incoming and outgoing
  • Replace the outdated and limited Past Transfers section of the Bank

Each of the Transfer types (items, WC, CWP, and bulk) now have sub tabs that provide access to Incoming, Outgoing, Past Incoming and Past Outgoing transfers for that type. Previously some types did not show any history, or hid them elsewhere on the site. (looking at you, Bank ;)

[site-image id="227"]

Lastly big thanks to everyone for your patience after we rolled out the Bank changes yesterday while we put the final touches on Transfers. Y'all are the best 💙.

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