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Reminder: You're in charge of what News you see!
🎄 Sadi 🎄 September 19, 2022 3:45 pm
Hello our amazing Wajas users!

We've had so many awesome users join and return lately that I just wanted to toss out a reminder News Post.

Awhile back we implemented a feature that allowed you to pick and choose what News you wish to see. This replaced the "important news only" option in your settings. So if you had that selected, it no longer exists and you'll be seeing all the news.

To adjust what you see, go to News Settings and click what you want to opt into!

You cannot opt out of:
  • Monthly Updates - these are the new items for the month and any other important news.
  • New Feature - this covers any new features that get released including but not limited to: site games, shops, and other misc features.
  • Rule Update - this covers any updates or new rules added to our rules and TOS.
  • Site - this covers anything that might be a major thing the majority of the site cares about (major contests like Festival of Frost and such would fall here), if something gets posted here that you don't care about just clear it out and go about your day.

You can opt out of:
  • Contests - This is usually used for smaller scale festivals (the ones like FriendFest).
  • Flash Games - This covers quick games done on the News Post or boards.
  • Free Art Wednesday - Sometimes Estu does free art for a lucky user, this will ping for that.
  • Games - This usually covers minigames hosted in the Minigame forums.
  • Merchandise - This covers any physical merchandise that Estu sells on her Etsy.
  • New Staff - This is where we introduce any new staff we bring on. It usually features a questionnaire.
  • Raffles - This alerts you for any Waja raffles we may hold on the site.
  • Redraws - This is what we tag whenever we redraw something - items, lineart, ect.
  • Social Media - This will be used to alert for anything pertaining to our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
  • Story Time - Sometimes we'll have stories for you all, this covers those.
  • Textures - Any new textures or updates to preexisting textures will be notified with this tag.
  • Trivia - Updates to Trivia will be alerted with this tag.
  • Winner Announcement - Winners for any type of game or contest may be announced here using this tag.
  • Youtube - We use this tag to ping for any future or current Youtube lives we host.
This ultimately helps you cater your News Posts to what you care about!

That said, there may be times when we tag for multiple things, if there's 2-3 smaller scale things to announce, rather than having 2-3 News Posts back to back. So there may be times you still see something you do not have marked if it includes something you do have marked.
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