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Early Preview: NextGen Custom Demo
Code April 19, 2023 12:00 pm

We've been working behind the scenes for a while now on a next generation Custom Demo, and today we're releasing an early preview for you to play around with if you'd like. There's even a mobile version.

You can read more about it on the NextGen Demo library page.

We're also releasing a preview of the new Palette Maker, which provides a nice way to create and organize sets of colors for your projects. These color palettes are now available in the NextGen Demo, and will eventually be available in other places around the site as well.

Try them out, we hope you like them!

For feedback, bugs, questions, etc please use this forum thread. Thanks!

I want to thank staff and the brave beta testers for their patience, help, and attention to detail. You're all the best!

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