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June Monthly Items
🎄 Sadi 🎄 June 1, 2023 3:41 pm
June Monthly Items

Bamboo Foreground
(Artist: Estu)
(Suggested by: Dhijas, 367777)

Bamboo Garden Path Midground

Busan Night Wallpaper
(Artist: Zepher)
(Suggested by: Aion, 324594)

Bamboo Forest Wallpaper

Bamboo Forest Night Wallpaper

Bamboo Night Foreground

Bamboo Flute

Bamboo Stick

Bonsai Tree

Foo Dog Statue

Garden Pagoda

Bamboo Fountain

Mining Cave
All the main caves

Rock Pile

Bamboo Divider

Forum Goblins

Bamboo Shoot
Kelpie Hair DNA has been added to the DNA Emporium rotation and to the Mystery DNA options.

Curtesy of: Danny
Opacity Gltich
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