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[Minigame] Discussion about Mini and SM Games
🎄 Sadi 🎄 June 25, 2023 7:48 am
Howdy, howdy, folks! It's early morning for me, but I've been up tinkering for a few hours now. I wanted to take this chance to offer a minigame of sorts, which is less a game and more a discussion.

Come August I'm going to be MIA for about a week (I'll be around when I can, but we're taking a trip to visit family so my main priority will be hanging out with them). Before then, I want to get a few minigames / social media games scheduled to roll out on those days so you guys don't miss me too much. ;D

That's where the discussion comes in. What are some of your favorite minigames we've done? Do you have ideas you think might make good minigames?

Flipside, what are your favorite social media games we've done (if you partake)? And do you have any ideas you think might make good social media games?

I am not promising to take all ideas, but I'm open to seeing some fresh thoughts and to know which of the contests most interest you guys. Also, please keep in mind, these are forum and social media games, not new games for the site. I have limited capabilities, so try to keep it as simple as possible for any new ideas.

A quick reminder that there's a character count on these comments. If you have something lengthy to suggest, you may PM me. Please keep in mind, I may not reply to PMs unless I have any questions, but I'll read through them ASAP.

If you send the ideas via PM, please still post on this news post letting me know that is the case so you can have your entry for a chance to win the prize below. I will not be checking the messages and this NP to ensure you did this.

You may post as many ideas as you want, but you can only win the CWP once.

I am leaving this open until June 27th @ 10 AM, just to allow users to get thoughts out. I'll then draw 10 or so random winners to receive x2 CWP.

I will not be staff onlying this, just so even after that if anyone has a suggestion they can post on there. I'll try keeping an eye on the comments to catch anything new.

Thank you for your ideas and time! ♥
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