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New Mutations, New Mutation Markings
🎄 Sadi 🎄 July 9, 2023 4:59 am
**New** Impkin Mutations!

The wonderful Fatal has been working tirelessly to provide a whole new mutation set for you all, and we're pleased to announce that we're ready to officially roll them out! We're doing things a bit different this time, the mutations is available via token, but in addition to that, we've made the DNA available via the daily spinner you find in the Wajas ads at the bottom of your page.

The daily spinner found in the ads.

When you get the spinner (which can only be spun once a day per account), you will get the chance to receive an Unstable Impkin DNA from the wheel.

Unstable Impkin DNA

From there, you get to open the Unstable Impkin DNA and from that, choose one of the following DNA's:
  • Impkin Ankles DNA
  • Impkin Ears DNA
  • Impkin Elbows DNA
  • Impkin Mane DNA
  • Impkin Tail DNA

You can only select one of the following, so be sure what you want is what you've selected.

Once you've made your selection, send on through. You'll receive a notification like this:

From there you can use your DNA as per the normal, injecting it into whatever Waja you're needing it for.

**New** Jowls Mutations!
The Jowls mutation was done as a collaboration between Fatal and Biscuit. It can be found in the Raccoon King Shop for 500 RKP.

**New** Mutation Markings!
In addition to that, we bring to you some new mutation markings curtesy of Fatal!

Alien Eyes: Dual, Fade, Inner Glow, Spots, Stripes
Antennae: Dual, Fade, Lacing, Points, Roots, Spots, Stripes, Tips
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