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New Feature, Rule Reminders
🎄 Sadi 🎄 July 25, 2023 9:40 am
**New** Delete Your Account

As of today July 25th, 2023, Wajas has implemented a way for users to delete their accounts on their own. Previously, you had to contact an administrator through email with the email address linked to your account and the administrators would handle it from there. Now, you'll be able to take this fully in your own hands and do it via the site.

Some small things to keep in mind:
  • The account will not be immediately deleted. As per our Terms of Service, you will have 30 days to change your mind. You will however, lose access to the account immediately. See below on how to reactivate your account.
    • The email linked to your account will receive an email letting you know that your account has been scheduled for deletion. So please make sure your email address is up to date.
  • If you do not cancel the deletion, thirty days after you hit that button, your account will be gone permanently.
    • This means there is no way to get it back, even if you contact the administrators, this is out of our hands. It is completely gone, as is everything that was on the account.
  • CWP that was purchased during your time on Wajas cannot be refunded.
  • You will lose ownership of any crafts created by this account.
  • You will lose ownership of any doodlecorns bought on this account.

What you see when you go to delete an account:

What you'll need to do when you want to delete your account:

  • First you will be prompted to type your pin into the shown text area.
  • After that, in order to confirm the deletion, you will need to type "delete" into the offered text area.

To cancel a deletion:

This bit has to be done through the administration team. To do this, you will need to email the administration team from the email address linked to your account. You will need to do this during the 30 day grace period, otherwise the account will be gone and there is nothing that the Wajas Administration Team can do.

The administration team will ask you some questions to verify that you are you. The easiest way for us to verify you are you is through the Security Questions found Here. If you've yet to answer them, please consider doing so. This will always be the easiest and most surefire way for staff to know you are you should any issues arise.

The email to send to is:

**Reminders** Rules and things to keep in mind

  • Per our Rules and Terms of Service, bots of any kind are not allowed. This includes auto refreshers and auto clickers. We have detection programs that are there in an attempt to keep things fair for all users on Wajas. Please do not use these programs.
    • Sometimes, spamming F5 on the same page over and over will trigger the detectors.
    • Your fellow users have recommended if you are trying to click through pages fast, you use the Mining Cave or go through the Wajas at the bottom of the home page looking for pretty new Wajas to add to your wish list.
  • We'd also like to remind users that if you share IP's with family or friends to any degree you should not be "gifting" frequently. Random gifts, such as for a birthday or something like that are fine, but multiple gifts a month may be took as funneling goods and may result in them and you being frozen.
    • If you share IPs, even if it's infrequent, with any family and friends, you should have read the Sharing IPs Family and Friends Rules and Guide.
    • It is up to you to have familiarized yourself with these rules. We've provided them so you can play with your family and friends successfully and without fear or stress. So please take the time to read all the information provided and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to PM a Moderator or Forum Moderator to get assistance.
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