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Staff Search! Applications accepted until 10/12 at 11:59 PM!
🎄 Sadi 🎄 September 28, 2023 1:09 pm
  • 1-2 Artists for: items for monthly updates and holidays.
  • 1-3 Forum Mods for: helping with events, dealing with reports/related issues.
For the Wajas Staff team

Hello, hello folks! As you can see, we're on the hunt again for new people to join our staff team! Remember, this is a volunteer position. Above, we've listed the positions we have available and how many people we are looking for. We will be doing things a bit differently this time around though. See below for notes about previous applications submitted, the changes made to the staff application feature, and the changes made to our requests for those looking to join our team:
    • We have rejected all applications submitted before 9/25/2023.
      • This was done to avoid the possibility of considering applications from players that might not be interested in the position anymore or may have fallen inactive. If your application fell into this period, you are encouraged to resubmit if you are still interested.
    • We have added a "open and close" feature to the application page.  This will allow us to only accept applications when we are actively looking for staff.
    • For this staff hunt, you will have an period of two weeks to submit an application, during these two weeks you can submit an application (you cannot edit your application once submitted so make sure you're happy with what you are sending in), after those two weeks, we will close it and you will no longer be able to submit an application until our next hunt.  Close date is: 10/12 at 11:59 PM.
    • This is not first come, first serve.  We ask that you take your time filling out your application because once it's in, it cannot be edited.
    • As noted previously, submitted moderator applications will not get a specific reason for their application being "rejected". What we are looking for can be found above on the library page for "so you want to be a moderator". Please read that.
      • Most times, the reason for your application being rejected is merely just lack of space.  We only have a few postions open at this time, so if you are rejected, we highly encourage you to reapply when we open our application again in the future.
    • This time around, no examples / information should be sent to Sadi. Please submit all relevant information and examples via the application form so it is all consolidated into one place.
    • Moderator hunt: If you are interested/willing to help with events, please note in the "why you want to join the team" what you could bring to the table regarding this.  Also here is where you put any notes that those working with you may need to know.  Where do you excel, what help might you need, etc.
    • Artist hunt: We are not currently looking for anyone to do mutations. Please do not submit mutation examples. We are looking for more artists interested in specifically items/accessories/backgrounds. We're open to seeing what people can do with markings, though at this time it is not one of our main concerns and we will prioritize those submitting item examples over those who submit marking examples. If you submit a mutation example, we will not consider that as one of your examples.
    • Artist hunt: We have marked on the application page what we are looking for for examples.  Please be sure you provide a minimum of what is asked for.
    • Artist hunt: To show that you understand the anatomy of the Wajas, you want to show at least one example of unique positioning on the different breeds, rather than showing us only accessories that is easily copied between the different breeds. See below for an example.
    • Artist hunt: Artists who might want a small bit of advice on an item they submit, can go here.  Fatal has offered to lend a bit of a helping hand.  These will not be full critiques, just a quick bit of advice on areas you can focus on.  This will close on 10/10.  Two days before we stop taking staff applications.

We will be making our selections for both artist and moderators within thirty days from the closing of applications.

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