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Final Call - - Subtember SUBmissions!
🎄 Sadi 🎄 August 30, 2023 8:24 am
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to the important areas!
Quick reminder:
Tomorrow the threads for Submit a subbreed design for site use and Submit a Subbreed to be spotlighted will be locked.  You have until I get up tomorrow morning to get things in.

I have pinged people who have submitted subbreeds to be spotlighted who need to amended something in their entry.  I orignally was not going to do this, but I wanted to ensure that as many subs got spotlighted as possible, so I am trying to make sure if something is wrong with your submission that will result in it not getting spotlighted you at least get a chance to fix it.

Please check your pings and see if I have pinged you (if your pings are off, check your entry and see if either of the common mistakes listed below are ones you have made).  If I have, please fix your submission.  Failure to do so will result in your submission not getting spotlighted - as per the rules.  You do not need to ping me telling me you fixed anything, I won't be scheduling spotlights until tomorrow afternoon.

If you're in a subbreed, see if the owner of it has posted on the spotlight thread, if not, see if they want to!  We've still got plenty of room for spotlights! :)

Common mistakes for those who still need to schedule:
  • Your Waja examples must be undressed.  This includes wallpapers and accessories.
    • You may use other gens you have sitting around.  The examples do not have to be customs.
    • You may remove the items from your Waja and use an image hosting site to upload the undressed image.
      • If you don't have a hosting site, you can Google image hosting sites, there are several.
  • You must have two examples.
    • If you are a newer sub without a bunch of examples, you can use custom demo images of future customs you're looking to make.
That's all folks.  I'll see you in Subtember!

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