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September Monthly Items + August Recap
🎄 Sadi 🎄 September 1, 2023 11:05 am
  • Cave Subgroups + Organized Nav
  • News Posts now have jump links to top/comments
  • Site Search went live
  • Mining Cave update:
    • When your Waja is under level 20, you cannot lose levels.
  • Waja chooser updated on user showcase and guild raffles
  • Bulk Decorate cake/tree went live
  • Squished some bugs / cleaned up some coding
For the month of August

Coming Soon/Misc Changes made:
  • A new way to track Wajas
  • New Organiztion for the Games Navigation menu
  • More bulk options in the cave
  • Goblin Reminder from last month, still a WIP:
    • We’re going to be rotating out some goblin items and possibly bringing back some old items. These items will not be permanently gone. We’re going to try and rotate the goblin items more often to keep the pool feeling fresh.
  • Change made already:  We have adjusted the rarities of some dyes in the Mystery Dye Pool. We will continue to monitor the prices and make changes at random intervals.
  • Added to the site: Impkin mane mutation markings have been added!  The markings are Dual, Fade, Lacing, Pied, Points, Roan MM, Roots MM, Spots, Stripes, and Tips.


September Monthly Items

Lunch Box Bananas

School Uniform Scarf Red
(Estu & Sparra)

School Uniform Shirt Blue
(Estu & Sparra)

School Uniform Skirt Blue
(Estu & Sparra)

Textbook Blue

Textbook Red

Notebook Blue

Notebook Red

School Lockers Gray Wallpaper

School Lockers Blue Wallpaper

School Lockers Red Wallpaper

School Backpack Black

Lunch Box Rainbow

Homework Unfinished

Homework Graded

Homework Failed

Lunch Box Dinosaurs

School Backpack Mint

Textbook Open

Notebook Open

Sash Dye

School Uniform Scarf Pink
(Estu & Sparra)

School Uniform Shirt Pink
(Estu & Sparra)

School Uniform Skirt Pink
(Estu & Sparra)

School Backpack Purple

School Uniform Skirt Red
(Estu & Sparra)

School Uniform Shirt Black
(Estu & Sparra)

School Uniform Scarf Gold
(Estu & Sparra)

Textbook Green

Notebook Green

Homework Chewed

Belt Dye
(Fatal & Tiki)

School Lockers Orange Wallpaper

Textbook Black
(Sparra & Fatal)

Notebook Black

Note: All dyes listed in the CWP shop will permanently be there.

Front Leg Freckles Dye

Back Leg Freckles Dye

Back Freckles Dye

Powder Dye

Dye Bundle Paws

Choker Dye

Neck Dye
(Mystery Dye)

Neck Dye


  • September 1st - September 30th
    • Subtember ongoing
      • Spotlights daily on site + SM
      • Subbreed Trivia (on the forums)
      • Contests
      • Maybe more?  TBD!!!
This month's primary focus is going to be on Subtember festivities.  Since this is the first time we've done something like this, it will be a learning experience.  Please bear with us as we work to sort out any kinks.

Remember, all spotlight posts both on SM and on Site will be scheduled.  You can turn off being notified of spotlight posts by going to your News Settings and unchecking "spotlights".  There will be posts daily, if this is not something that interests you, please uncheck it now.

Subbreed Trivia will be done in this thread, so if you're interested in those, I recommend subscribing (hitting the star beside the title) to follow along.  These will be done quickly, and won't sit for longer than an hour or two before answers are announced.  They will be locked in between trivia questions.

Once I have finished up the contests and rolled them out, I will do another news post.  These will be marked with the Site + Contest tags, as the prizes for this are of value and we want to ensure no one misses those.

Lastly, we will be doing all but this first initial release of the Waja Park on a schedule.  Because we're doing it on schedule at mostly set times (give me a few minutes for the early morn ones), there will be no news post, they will just get tossed in and called good.

Schedule for Waja Park release:
  • Sept 1 - First release, unscheduled, RELEASED WITH THIS NEWS POST.
  • Sept 7 - Second Release, 6 PM Wajas time
  • Sept 13 - Third Release, 12 AM Wajas time
  • Sept 19 - Fourth release, 6 AM Wajas time
  • Sept 25 - Fifth release, 12 PM Wajas time
  • Sept 30 - Sixth release, 10 PM Wajas time
Each release will have four customs.  Total, twenty-four customs will be released to the park.  Please mark this on your calendars/in your phones so you're prepared! :)

Sadi Additional Notes:
  • I will be working to get the rest of the contests from the August week of fun rounded up this month.  I have not finished this, I've been working on Subtember and a few other things that we will be rolling out come the next week or so.  Please hang tight, this will get done ASAP.

That's all from me for now. Have a great September!


Site Raffles:
This month we will have some site raffles.  One for each of the following:
  • CWP
  • WC
  • Items

The raffles however, will be done differently in the past.  The Wajas that you see in the raffles are just filler Wajas.  Meaning they are there for you to buy tickets for, but they are not the actual prize.

What is the actual prize:

Rather than us choose to throw three random sub breeds into the site raffles, we wanted to try something new.  So!  Whowever wins the Wajas for each of the above, gets the right to design a custom from a sub breed of their choosing to send to me via PM and I will create and send back to them.

That said, there are some rules:

  • The design must be from an existing sub breed (made before September 1st).  When you send me the demo link, you will need to also let me know which sub breed the design is from.
  • It must also follow the sub breed standards (I will check).
  • Outside of mutations that are required, you may only have one non-standard mutation on your design - and this is only if the sub breed allows for non-standard mutations.
    • Exception to this: For sub breeds like Markless where no markings are used and only mutations are or Tribal Beginnings where only dyes are used and the typical token markings would be mutations, you may have two non-standard mutations.  But this will be figured out case by case.
  • You must send me your design as a demo link.  I will not be entering hex codes from an image.
  • I will not make your design if it does not follow the above rules.  I will kick it back to you and ask you to fix whatever is wrong with it.  Please honor these rules.


Impossible Custom Designed by Danny
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