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Subtember Contests, Raffle Notes, and More!
🎄 Sadi 🎄 September 13, 2023 5:32 pm
  • Subtember site raffle notes
  • Misc site notes
  • Subtember site contests
  • What is a sub breed?
  • What is a guild?
  • Tips and Tricks on how to have a successful sub breed
  • OOS dyes/DNAs that are easily obtainable
News Post Table of Contents ;D

Subtember site raffle notes

We wanted to issue a reminder that the purpose for Subtember is to highlight the sub breeds ran by you all.  While we will be doing a spotlight for Roosters and Feathers, it is more for information purposes to expose new users to them and to go over how one can obtain them rather than to actually highlight them.  With that in mind, if you win the site raffles, Roosters and Feathers will not be options to receive.  Since they are not able to be created by users normally and are for special release only, they are not available for these raffles.  Thank you for understanding.

Misc site notes

It's officially almost autumn.  You know what that means!  Saratoga will be removing Forest Tokens from the Token Shop and putting in Arctic Tokens!  The last day to obtain a Forest Token is September 23rd.  Arctic Tokens will be able to be bought on September 24th.

Subtember site contests

The trivia will begin next week, I'll try to space it out as much as I can so it hits as many time zones as possible, make sure you've subscribed to the thread to stay up to date on that!

We hope you enjoy these contests!  They will end September 30th at 11:59 PM Wajas time.

What is a sub breed?

Sub breeds, sometimes abbreviated “SB”, are communal breeding projects found on Wajas that anyone can participate in.Meaning that anyone can make a custom for that design or buy a Waja of that sub breed to partake in it. The original creator often has standards to be met (requirements for colors, markings, mutations, etc) in order to be considered a part of the sub breed, and often times they have threads or guilds where you can talk about the sub breed with other users who also have Wajas in that sub breed.

Important Links:


What is a guild?

A guild is an area where a group can come together dedicated to a set cause.  The guilds allow you to set up your own forums, host raffles exclusive to those in the guild, put your Wajas up for sale or breeding to those in the guild, and much much more.  They are very useful for organization purposes.
Important Links:


Tips and Tricks for running a successful sub breed:

These are tips and tricks offered by both the staff and users to potentially help you run a successful sub breed if you are considering it.  These are by no means mandatory things, just things that others have found helpful to keep in mind or do.  If you have any other tips and tricks, drop them in the comments of this news post!

  • Even if you have a guild, prioritize chatting in the sub breed forum area thread if you have that.  Guilds are great for organization, but keeping the door open for new people to jump right in without having to find your guild is better for getting new members.
  • Ensure your design has good flexibility with colors and mutations.  There's a balance between being too strict and too loose.  If your design only looks good in certain colors, it is probably better off as an interbreedable set rather than a sub breed.
  • Make sure your standards are clear and easy to read!  If they are too confusing people will stop reading right there.
  • When you're setting up your threads or making images, make sure your colors are cohesive.  If it is difficult to read (blinding colors against blinding colors, muted colors against muted colors, too small of font, etc) people just won't read it, they'll leave the thread quickly.  Get opinions from multiple friends if you're unsure, or ask the community.
  • Have a demo link available that takes them directly to your sub breeds design without having to input anything!
  • Be aware of cost.  Super expensive designs can be sub breeds, but you'll probably get fewer members making customs.
  • Subs with goals can be fun!  EX: Alekion's deer subs with the goal of breeding in fawn spots and deer nose.
  • Have a good core circle capable of helping you answer questions, welcome newbies, help with designs, and take care of guild things.  Also, if you might disappear on a hiatus, make it clear who you would like to take over the sub if you do.
  • Make sure your design produces attractive pups.  See how different color variations mesh together before trying to make it a sub.
  • Have your expectations regarding textures and mutation markings laid out clearly in your standards.
  • If you're starting out and already have some customs of your own, breeding them, slapping banners in the description of the pups, and parking them or giving away a few here and there is a great way to advertise and gain some traction for your sub early on.
  • Be aware of how much you are pricing your sub pups for.  If you price them too high, people will not buy them.
  • Keep in mind the locations of your dyes and DNAs.  If you use a lot of out of shop dyes, you might find yourself driving the prices up high and suffering until a dye rotates into the CWP shop, Dye Emporium, or DNA Emporium.
  • Having games and contests on your sub breed thread will keep things interesting.
  • Your (the creator of the sub) activity is vital.  If you stop posting or bumping the thread, other people are less likely to post and support your sub breed.

OOS Dyes/DNA's that are obtainable through other means:

These are dyes and DNAs not found in the Dye shop/Dye or DNA emporium/CWP shop.  This list will include Raccoon King dyes and DNAs, Nicolas dyes, leaf exchange dyes and DNAs, balloon pop dyes, and forum goblin dyes.

Important Links:

Raccoon King:

  • Burmese (825 RKP)
  • Dun (825 RKP)
  • Face Freckles (450 RKP)
  • Ghost (825 RKP)
  • Grizzle (825 RKP)
  • Monitor Neck (450 RKP
  • Paint Spray (825 RKP)
  • Piebald (825 RKP)
  • Rune (825 RKP)
  • Sash (450 RKP)
  • Skink Tail (450 RKP)
  • Spotted Tabby (825 RKP)
  • Spotted Tabby Lines (825 RKP)
  • Sundrip (825 RKP)
  • Sunshine (825 RKP)
  • Weasel (825 RKP)
  • Withers (450 RKP)
  • Zorilla (450 RKP)
  • Zorilla Shade (450 RKP)
  • Antlers (2k RKP)
  • Chest Fluff (2k RKP)
  • Fox Ears (2k RKP)
  • Jowls (500 RKP)
  • Neck Ruff (2k RKP)
  • Rump Feathers (2k RKP)
  • Silky Tail (2k RKP)


Please note, Nicola's dyes take some time to collect all items to turn in.  As such, the dyes themselves can be costly and for a sub breed, might be more like to make people turn away than to draw people in.

All Nicola dyes cost the same, however your first three turn ins for Nicola will net you a random dye.  You cannot choose your dye received by her until you complete three quests for her.  After your third quest, you can pick which of her dyes you'd like to get.  The items you need for her are the following:

  • 8 Salamander Tail
    • Found in the Sparkling Grotto
  • 6 Moss Ball
    • Found in the Sparkling Grotto
  • 25 Bat Wing
    • Found in the Cave of Shadows
  • 24 Snottite Sample
    • Found in the Cave of Shadows
  • 16 Glowworm Light
    • Found in the Glowworm Cave
  • 13 Firefly Wings.
    • Found in the Glowworm Cave

All turn in items are obtainable in the Mining Cave and once you've enough to complete her quest, these are the dyes that are available:

  • Belly Streak
  • Clownfish
  • Clownfish Lines
  • Front Stripes
  • Toe Lines
  • Samsara

Leaf Exchange:

The leaf exchange shop currency is leaf points (LP).  Leaf points can be bought from other users or you can upgrade your account to receive two leaves a day from the pear tree.  The dyes and DNAs obtainable from here are the following:
  • Chin Spot Fade (50 LP)
  • Dalmatian2 Glow (100 LP)
  • Soft Eye Liner (50 LP)
  • Tail Fade (100 LP)
  • Throat (100 LP)
  • Water (100 LP)
  • Water Detail (100 LP)
  • Colored Nose (300 LP)
  • Odd Eyes (100 LP)
  • Small Horns (300 LP)
  • Unihorn (250 LP)

Balloon Pop:

The balloon pop is a game you can play 3 (non-upgraded) or 5 (upgraded) times a day.  You pay 5k (non-upgraded) or 4k (upgraded) WC per play and receive a random item.
  • Belt
  • Muzzle Spots
  • Scales
  • Talisman

Forum Goblins:

The forum goblins occasionally reward noisy players when they chat on the site forums with a random item or WC amount (or nothing at all).  This only works on the threads in the site forums.  It will not activate on guild forums.
  • Elven Collar
  • Goblin
  • Goblin Mask
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