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Spotlight day 15: Risen from the Ashes & Garden of Myths
🎄 Sadi 🎄 September 15, 2023 12:00 am
  • Risen from the Ashes
  • Garden of Myths
Sub Breeds
featured in this spotlight!

Risen From the Ashes
Subbreed Thread

Cost to make: 2.5 Million WC
Celebratory Month: January / The Re-New Year
Subbreed Blurb:
Darkness. Silence.
Not a sign of life, only the discarded remains of an unloved Waja.
And the Waja rises once again.
Risen From The Ashes.

Do you have muddy, ugly, or otherwise unwanted Wajas? Let them be reborn as a Phoenix! This dye-only subbreed encourages the recycling of unappealing Wajas into renewed beauties for just a couple million WC! Each dye used is easily obtained through the dye shop and won't break your bank. Our standards are easy to understand and extremely lenient to allow for everyone to be creative and have fun. Come check out our thread and learn how you can turn your muddies into Phoenixes!


Garden of Myth
Cost to make: approx. 49 CWP
Celebratory Month: N/A
Subbreed Blurb: The Garden of Myth is home to several species of resident: the Fae, the Grim, and the Changeling. Fae are clever and benevolent creatures, bright and colourful, but the Grim are their counter, dark and mischievious, even unpredictable. Changelings are what happen when the two mix, so who knows what such a meeting might bear? What magic might you encounter, should you enter the Garden? 
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