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Spotlight day 23: Sabers & Froggy Wajas
🎄 Sadi 🎄 September 23, 2023 12:00 am
  • Sabers
  • Froggy Wajas
Sub Breeds
featured in this spotlight!
Cost to make: 55 CWP (a bit more if you need a breed changer).
Celebratory Month: February / Saberary
Subbreed Blurb: Sabers are an old, old sub breed (the oldest, in fact, pre-dating the site itself!) steeped in Wajas history. 

Our standards are simple and so easy to work with. Both full and partial Sabers are equally welcomed! Before DNAs were created, we only had one way to create a full Saber: throw a Mutation Pear at a partial and cross your fingers really hard. Naturally, this led to variants such as Pre-Sabers, Woolys, Goblin and Bat Winged Sabers that are still popular.

In fact, we kinda missed those wild old days, so every year we celebrate them with our annual Pear-A-Saber competition, which is just as chaotic and fun as it sounds!

Whether you prefer naturally colored primeval beasts or full on texture bombs, our extensive community of breeders and collectors will have plenty of matches to breed with, plenty of pups to buy, and plenty of good times to share.

So grab some mutation pears and come join us! We can't wait to hang out with you!

Froggy Wajas
Cost to make: 21 CWP
Celebratory Month: N/A
Subbreed Blurb: Froggy Wajas live mostly in swamps and rainforests. They are often green or brown but can be any colors. Poison Dart Froggy Wajas are more brightly colored and tend to be a tad rebellious.


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