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CWP Buying Limits
Zestu September 26, 2023 10:49 am
Hey Everyone!

We updated our Buy CWP page to add a $500 weekly buying limit per account. New accounts (under 30 days old) have a smaller weekly limit of $100. This change is to protect you and us against any accidental or duplicate purchases and fraudulent activity.

Should you hit the limit, the page will show that you've reached it. No scary messages or anything of the sort. If that limit is too low for you, please submit a modbox report so that we can look into raising your limit manually. (Again, this is per account. If you purchase on your second account you will need to repeat this process for that account.)

We have already raised that limit for some players based off their past purchases, so please don't submit a modbox report unless the Buy CWP page shows that you hit your limit.

If someone were to suddenly buy $1000s of CWP it sets off a lot of alarms for us and even PayPal gets suspicious. Not to mention, often times when we experience repeated purchases in the span of a few seconds they are either accidental or fraudulent. We try our best to resolve all cases with our buyers and with PayPal, and we hope this measure helps everyone involved.

We know that CWP can be traded/sold/given away within seconds and with chargebacks, we try to reclaim the CWP. So chargebacks can impact more than just the one person who submitted the chargeback claims, it impacts the entire community and economy. We're hoping this measure will limit the damage that can happen onsite, as well as with PayPal.

We feel this weekly limit will fit comfortably for most our users. And we may tweak how this behaves during holidays and special sales like Black/White Friday. But again, if you find that the default limit just isn't cutting it, please let us know.

We greatly appreciate all the support you guys show us! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know in the comments!
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