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October Monthly Items & Sept. Recap
🎄 Sadi 🎄 October 2, 2023 12:31 pm
  • Bulk price and rename feature
  • Updates to Staff Application made
  • CWP buying limit added
  • Can now link to cave sub groups (link is found on edit subgroup page)
  • A handful of behind the scenes stuff
  • New "top hat" name randomizer on Wajas page
  • Park flavor text improved when flagging
  • Wajadex improvements
  • Users shops can be filtered by item type
  • Item names started being updated for better searching (fatal)
For the month of September

A quick note.  For the month of October only.  Upgraded users get to pick THREE leaves off of the pear tree daily.  So make sure you remember to pick your leaves!

Coming Soon/Misc Changes made:
  • Behind the scenes work on upcoming features with these code tags: wajasSP, wajasRK, wajasBA and wajasPM
  • Two of these four statements fits something coming soon to a Wajas near you, can you guess which two: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.  Drop your guesses in the comments!


October Monthly Items

Dragon in a Pumpkin

Hatchling Egg Autumn

Flock of Mourning Doves
(Sparra and Fatal)

Flock of Pigeons

Birdseed Bag

Park Bench Green

Street Lamp Lit

Street Lamp Round Lit

Paved Park Path Night Midground

Paved Park Path Midground

Cherry Tree Fall Midground

City Park Autumn Foreground

City Park Autumn Night Foreground

Petals Fall Foreground

City Park Autumn Wallpaper

City Park Autumn Night Wallpaper

Paved Park Path Autumn Night Midground

Paved Park Path Autumn Midground

Street Lamp

Street Lamp Round

Park Bench Wooden

Stone Bench

In addition to the egg, the monthly DNA's and Dyes for October are in.

Hatchling Egg Autumn

Cherry Tree Yellow Midground

Petals Yellow Foreground

Petals Lite Yellow Foreground

Birdseed Scattered

Petals Lite Fall Foreground

Cherry Tree Midground and Petals Foregrounds were originally done by Canta, these are recolors of the original.
Bane tokens are also in the Token Shop for the month of October.


  • August weekend chatter participation prizes have been sent out.
  • August weekend chatter and SM contests that need judging has been sent to the mods (judging ends tomorrow).
  • Still to do:
    • Labyrinth Prizes
    • Judged contest prizes for WC and SM
    • Spot the difference/I spy prizes
    • Subtember contests
  • Coming this month:
Bluee has taken over doing "FallFest" this year so I can focus on playing catch up before Festival of Frost hits on everything I have been collecting since August.  A huge thank you to Bluee for taking that over.  She rocks!

FallFest games found:

Sadi Additional Notes:
  • I will be doing the closing stuff for Subtember later this month, a huge thank you to everyone who made it a success!
  • I will also be posting a SM dressup game on our SM platforms (listed below).  Each day we will have a theme, you all can post a dress up each day, and I will go through at the end of each day (posts will go live at 3 PM each day and end the following day at 3 PM Wajas time), I will draw a winner or two from all entries cross platforms, and send out a random prize from my Social Media prize pool.  These start today.

Opacity Glitch Designed by Danny
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