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[New Feature] Favorite Wajas!
🎄 Sadi 🎄 October 18, 2023 9:59 am
  • Favorite Waja feature released
New Feature
Favorite Wajas!


Favorite Wajas Feature:
I promised you awhile back something new and shiny and then...and then...WELL HERE IT IS!  Haha.  Our newest feature, "Favorite Wajas"!  It's exactly how it sounds.  You get to "favorite" your Wajas and it will track them for you!  With some nifty bonuses.  Let's hop in to it!  Hold your hats, hairs, and horses cause here it comes!

To favorite a Waja:
  • Go to any Waja's page.
  • Scroll down beneathe the image.
  • To the right of the bottom of the image you will notice a ♥ with "Favorite".
  • Click it!
  • It will fill that cute heart in with a solid color signifying that you've favorited it!

But Sadi, where do I see my favorites?!

I am so glad you asked!  Your favorites are viewable on your Wishlist.  Scroll to the very bottom of it (if yours is lengthy like mine), and it will be there!  Now, there are some things to keep in mind:

  • By default, your favorites are only viewable to you.  However, you can toggle and make it so other people can see it.
    • This is useful if you want to put your wishlist Wajas up easy peasy for people to see during the upcoming holiday seasons.
  • The owner of any Waja cannot see how many people have liked their Waja.
  • There is no limit to how many Wajas can be favorited.
  • If you come into ownership of a Waja from your favorites and wish to remove the Waja from your favorite list, you will need to do that manually it does not automatically do it.

That's all there is to it folks!  We hope you all enjoy this new feature!
Have a great Wednesday!
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