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Subtember Contest Winners
🎄 Sadi 🎄 October 25, 2023 7:42 am
Winners announced for:
  • End of Subtember Trivia Raffle
  • Create an Existing Sub
  • Design a NEW Sub
Winner Winner!
Winners announced!


End of Subtember Trivia Raffle:
NIDA / 20725 - Gold IS Token of choice
👻SPOOKIMBO👻 / 43466 - Silver IS Token of choice - Excluding mystery, seasonal, and limited release.
PAINTEDSTAR💡 / 370341 - DNA of choice (not Staff only)
ANWOOO / 53238 - DNA of Choice (not Staff only)
SPOOKY JULIE / 46218 - Dye of choice (not Staff only)
VEINANGEL / 63016 - Dye of choice (not Staff only)
AES / 356230 - 5 CWP
SPOOKY JULIE / 46218 - 5 CWP
ÐœΙ∂ΗΙТЄ / 23012 - 3 CWP
ESTEL / 366287 - 3 CWP

Create an Existing Sub:
Grand Prize (dress up custom, judged by staff):
Calm, 150538
First Place (RNG, undressed custom)
Shadowed Star, 67770
Second Place (RNG, 10 CWP)
MatchSticks, 376970
Third Place (RNG, DNA of choice) - Excluding staff only
Delphi, 123317
Fourth Place (RNG, 6 CWP)
Lilac, 371265
Fifth Place (RNG, Dye of choice) - Excluding staff only
Chika, 67109
Design a NEW Sub:
Grand Prize (their custom):
Mialana, 19386
First Place (silver is token)Excluding mystery, seasonal, and limited release.
Simba, 121073
Second Place (10 cwp)
Nelyafinwe, 366860
Third Place (DNA of choice) - Excluding staff only
Calm, 150538
Fourth Place (6 CWP)
Snowdust, 193366
Fifth Place (Dye of choice) - Excluding staff only
Moon, 36744 | Sparky, 49176
Honorable Mention (3 CWP)
SabishiKitsune, 73596 | Stormur, 276700

That's everything.  I'm pinging winners who need to claim on the winner thread, customs are made and sent to their rightful owners, and CWP will be out shortly.
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