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Alert, New Staff! + Note about future applications.
🎄 Sadi 🎄 November 9, 2023 12:07 pm
First and foremost:

Note's about the staff application and things to keep in mind for the next staff hunt.

Please welcome our new staff members!
  • Artists:
    • Faeora
    • Mune
    • Dire
  • Forum Moderators:
    • Sparky
    • Thayet
    • Simba
Staff Update
New Staff and notes about Applications
Staff Application Notes
As we noted in the original hunt news post, all applications for those we did not bring on were rejected.  We've added a feature to the Staff Application feature that allows us to turn on and turn off the application link.  Meaning, it will only go live when we're actively hunting.  This will allow us to truly know if the applications that have been submitted are current, since they can only be submitted when we are actively looking.

In addition to that, we'd like to make some notes of things to keep in mind for the next hunt:
  • As noted in our library pages So you want to be a Mod, the biggest thing we're looking for are people with a clear grasp of the rules.  The way we check this is (obviously the scenario's), but also we look at your reported post history (the posts you've noticed needing moderator attention on site and reported).  You don't need a bunch, but we like to see that you're actively paying attention to posts (even if you're not actively posting on the forums yourself), and are capable and willing to report any issues.
    • The other thing to note that we saw as a common issue, the scenario's all have multiple things wrong with them, we need to know every issue you can find within the scenario, not just one.
  • As for the artists, your library page was here:So you want to be an Artist.
    • We didn't have any notable issues, but when we do another hunt, we'll be asking for at least one fresh and new example to see your current style if you submitted art to be viewed this time.  A lot can change in an artists style in the matter of months to a year.
Otherwise, we saw so much amazing effort in the applications this time around and were pleasantly surprised!  You all did awesome and it was really hard for us to make our selections.  Thank you to everyone who expressed interest, we hope you will reapply in the future!

Introducing: Artist, Faeora!
Tell us about yourself:
Hello wajas community!!

My name is Faeora, Fae for short. I joined wajas back in 2007 when I was in high school! I was just so excited about the breeding script - no other pet sites (that I knew of) had such an awesome setup. Eventually my senior year of high school + college took me away but I returned out of nostalgia and curiosity a few years ago. I’m so glad I did! Now there’s so many more markings/breeds/mutations to make more colorful/sparkly wajas!!

Outside of wajas I work as a senior research technologist in a cancer research lab. When I’m not working I am drawing, gardening, playing video games or spending time outdoors/being a couch potato (depending on the season). I have a yellow lab named Ajax that I love to bits!

What is your favorite rock and plant? geodes count? :D Plant.. Well, out of my garden I adore my Stargazer Lilies the most ♥

What is your favorite non-gen 1 Waja?
It must be my first waja ever - my sweet Moondust 😀

What is your favorite fruit and veggie...and type of bread?
Fruit: Apples
Veggie: Green beans (fresh tho)
Oh how can I pick for bread?! I love all bread. If I haaad to pick a favorite it would be french bread.

What is your favorite dino or extinct critter?
My favorite dinosaur has always been the Apatosaurus (thank you, The Land Before Time).

Info dump your favorite media piece, pretend like you're explaining it to someone who has never heard about it and you're trying to convince them it is the bees knees and they should definitely try looking into it.
Warning: the game is rated MA.

Well, I’ve been obsessed with Borderlands since it was released in 2009! If you like FPS games with RPG mixed in, look no further! You are a Vault Hunter looking for the mysterious vault on the crazy planet of Pandora. The vault is rumored to contain tons of legendary loot, secrets & more! The artwork is fantastic - the style is more cartoony and there’s so much humor and sarcasm peppered in. Each game delves deeper into the lore and has such amazing, stand-out NPCs. Not to mention the vault hunters are really awesome as well! I spent many summers just playing the game all day long. It’s something that has really vibed/resonated with me. It isn’t for those that are squeamish though - the violence is spun with a bunch of humor - but it is still there! I may or may not have purchased all games and all merchandise *heavy breathing*.

What is your favorite Wajas NPC?
Vyra, all hail the chaos queen!

What is your favorite marking/mutation/breed?
Marking: Galaxy
Mutation: Silky Tail
Breed: Tempest

What is your favorite item(s)?
Um, the sparkles :D ..and basically all/any sparkly/starry items :)

If you were trapped on an island with any three things from Wajas, with no limitations, what three things would you choose and why?
Iridescent Wings Cyan so I could sparkle and fly around, Love Plush so I could get some snuggles, and the Fruit Monstrosity so I could have a friend.. And something to eat *shifty eyes*.

What meme best describes you?

If you design Wajas, do you enjoy working with certain mutation/marking/color combinations and if so, what are they and why?
I’m not sure I have any strict preferences - I just sort of throw things together and see what sticks :D but I do very much have a tendency for bright blues/purples and just bright colors in general.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
Yes! I have a yellow lab named Ajax. He’s super smart and a total goofball. I can’t believe he’s 7 years old already. My boyfriend has a chonky kitty named Marley. She’s a spicy lady but also very sweet!
4AiRmi8o_o.jpg iyUog86C_o.jpg

Do you remember, way back when you first joined Wajas, the first Waja that really sparked your interest and that you just *had* to have?
Back in my day! There weren’t a ton of options yet :D My first wajas were belly/ocelot or husky/ocelot and belly/wind or husky/wind. I very much enjoyed those so my first customs were those combinations!

How did you find Wajas?
Hmmm.. I think it was word of mouth through dA (deviantArt). I had friends there that found wajas and recommended it to me!

Now that you’re on the team, what are you most excited about? Also, can you tell us anything about what’s going on behind the scenes? You know…on the down low. No one has to know. ;D
I’m super excited to help the amazing artists provide items for all you wonderful folks 😀 And noooo… can’t say anything but there’s some awesome things that will be coming soon!

Introducing: Artist, Mune!
Tell us about yourself:
Hello! I’m Mune, a married mom of two precious boys! I am a freelance graphics artist by day and an art hobbyist by night. I’ve been on Wajas 15+ years and I never get tired of the amazing community. Other hobbies I enjoy are crafting, gaming, biking & swimming.

What is your favorite rock and plant?
My favorite rock would have to be marble, the perfect combination of multiple rocks creating a porous and moldable stone. It’s incredibly beautiful and versatile! My most favorite plant would have to be the many variations of Bonsai trees. I've visited a local garden full of them and they are a sight to behold.

What is your favorite non-gen 1 Waja?
Though she’s not anything special, Bluestar would have to be my favorite non-gen 1 waja here. She’s my cave guardian and also represents my long time love of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, while also being my favorite character in the series!

What is your favorite fruit and veggie...and type of bread?
I live for blackberries, and broccoli lightly fried in olive oil is like eating candy to me.For bread, some crisp and extra sour, sourdough! For sweet bread, has to be the cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera.

What is your favorite dino or extinct critter?
Favorite dino is the Tyrannosaurus rex. Big chompers and little arms are too charming to not elicit absolute adoration from me.

Info dump your favorite media piece, pretend like you're explaining it to someone who has never heard about it and you're trying to convince them it is the bees knees and they should definitely try looking into it.
If you couldn’t tell based on my subtle naming of my customs etc my favorite media is and will always be my favorite musical artist - Imogen Heap. Anyone else that knows me well would hear that too often. Incredible person and a pioneer in the industry. Her albums will leave you in a fantasy world of awe and pure joy. Exhilarating and refreshing, like nothing you’ve ever heard before. Her music is a wonder of sounds and symphonies, a true masterpiece of the artistry that is music. You won’t be disappointed, I promise. Unless your music tastes are broken, hehe.

What is your favorite Wajas NPC?
My favorite NPC would be Artemis, the misunderstood baddie has a hold on my heart. A good bad turned good story is my lifeblood. Everyone deserves a second chance :)

What is your favorite marking/mutation/breed?
Favorite marking is and has always been Wind! Though, Underside is becoming a close second these days. My most used/favorite mutation has to be Punk Mane. My favorite breed is Normal, very closely followed by the Forest breed.

What is your favorite item(s)?
Favorite items are the Cherry Tree Midgrounds - I will never have enough of these.

If you were trapped on an island with any three things from Wajas, with no limitations, what three things would you choose and why?
Hmm, I’d take Anime Sword for slicing through the plantation and fighting any hostile enemies that come my way because bring it! Phoenix because fire for warmth and scary bird for protection A++ & last but not least the Birds of Lunaria Guidebook because I need entertainment while I wait for my rescuers :D

What meme best describes you?

If you design Wajas, do you enjoy working with certain mutation/marking/color combinations and if so, what are they and why?
My favorites to design with;
Markings: Piebald/Piebald opposite and Luster are incredibly fun.
Mutations: Punk Mane & Tri-Wings are versatile and often look good with most designs.
Colors: Blues, reds, tan.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
I have a feisty corn snake named Morty & an energetic Boston that temporarily resides with a friend. While I’m allergic to most furry creatures, I adore them all so ♥ My friends & family's pets are like my own! ‘;

Do you remember, way back when you first joined Wajas, the first Waja that really sparked your interest and that you just *had* to have?
Mine was owning a gen 2. Pixie Dust waja! They were my favorite multi-user project back in the day. This is my girl from that line;

How did you find Wajas?
My good friend at the time introduced me to the site! I was always a big fan of wolves/canines and so was she. She introduced me to the fun games at the time and explained to me the currency. I’ve always been the social type so the boards and offering services on them quickly became my favorite thing onsite.

Now that you’re on the team, what are you most excited about? Also, can you tell us anything about what’s going on behind the scenes? You know…on the down low. No one has to know. ;D
Becoming a part of the team has been a longtime dream of mine and I’m still in shock that I’m actually here! As an artist I cannot wait to create items that can be enjoyed by the users for years to come. Keep those suggestions up on the boards because I’ll be snooping there often ;)

I..mmm.. big things are coming and Wajas is about to get a whole lot more engaging - and your waja’s VH7YLlF0_o.png.

Introducing: Artist, Dire!
Tell us about yourself:
Dire [Mammal, probably]: A slumbering old cybergoth beast from the west coast of North America. While usually a solitary and elusive creature, he can sometimes be spotted lurking around the forums or within his waja cave - forever organizing his wajas. They will never be organized, however. His efforts are futile.

When not online, the Dire is likely out adventuring with one or both of his mates, working his day job, or pouring energy into art projects.

Dire is a dreamer, forever indecisive, and always lost in infinite thoughts.

What is your favorite rock and plant?
Rock: The ones that react to UV black light.
Plant: Stick. Leaf? No, stick. Wait no... Leaf. Definitely leaf. Or cactus.

What is your favorite non-gen 1 Waja?
Probably this one. I've had him forever and he used to be my forum icon.

What is your favorite fruit and veggie...and type of bread?
Fruit: Watermelon and Pineapple
Veggie: Corn and Cauliflower
Bread: Sourdough and Ciabatta

What is your favorite dino or extinct critter?

Info dump your favorite media piece, pretend like you're explaining it to someone who has never heard about it and you're trying to convince them it is the bees knees and they should definitely try looking into it.
Bold of you to assume I have "interests".

What is your favorite Wajas NPC?
Probably Goddard from the Brush Shop or the CWP Divine, Aurum.

What is your favorite marking/mutation/breed?
Marking: Jag, Circuit, Back Spots, Fishbone, Socks, Wind
Mutation: Manes [All of them]
Breed: Tempest, Affie, Spitz, Egyptian, Aerial

What is your favorite item(s)?
Collar spikes, Discarded Bottle Caps, glowing things, vaporwave anything, and pears. All the pears.

If you were trapped on an island with any three things from Wajas, with no limitations, what three things would you choose and why?
1. Pile of Normal Pears Foreground, so I'd have snacks and not starve.
2. Bloody axe. I don't know why it is bloody, but I'm sure it will be useful.
3. Frog. So I'd have a friend.

What meme best describes you?
I am all four of these guys.
If you design Wajas, do you enjoy working with certain mutation/marking/color combinations and if so, what are they and why?
Black and neon is my usual go-to. I like high contrast. Favorite hexes are 000000, 00FF00, 00FFFF-073846, EEEEEE, FFFF00. Also really enjoy using my favorite textures: Electric Blue/Gold/Silver, Acid, Acid Blue, Explode, Poppy, and Ripple.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
Luke - 12-year old black and white cat who still looks like a large kitten [to me at least], just a bit more round. He likes to play fetch when he feels like it, and is the best cuddler. His hobby is napping. He thinks it is a sport. No one tell him otherwise.

Beast - AKA Beasters, Beastie, Bimst, Bimsters, Bimsty. Luke's brown tabby littermate. He's a polydactyl with 8 toes on one forepaw and 12 on the other, though you don't see most of them unless you look at his beans. He talks constantly. Most of it is lies. He has been fed. Don't listen to him.

Fimsh, many fimsh - We have a total of 4 tanks. We've got shabunkin goldfish, a very friendly angelfish, a blue gourami, one black molly, a fairly active coolie loach, fancy guppies, a rescued glow beta, glow coridoras, an african dwarf frog, and shrimps. Lots of shrimps. They are the best wet-bugs.

Do you remember, way back when you first joined Wajas, the first Waja that really sparked your interest and that you just *had* to have?
The search was pretty slow back then, and most of the wajas you could find were muddy. I think I got most excited when I finally found one with strong markings and good colors. I believe this guy was my first ever purchase, and I was pretty stoked at finding him:

How did you find Wajas?
A friend invited me waaaay back when, when Wajas was invite-only. He and another user gave me my first two wajas [both purple tempests] + some wc and taught me some of the basics. And I've more or less been here ever since.

Now that you’re on the team, what are you most excited about? Also, can you tell us anything about what’s going on behind the scenes? You know…on the down low. No one has to know. ;D
I am super stoked about [ REDACTED ] and drawing [ REDACTED ]~

Introducing: Forum Moderator, Sparky!
Tell us about yourself:
Hi, my name is Sparky! I’ve been playing Wajas since 2007; isn’t that just neat?

I love gaming, Wajas, drawing and making origami. I’m really into Pokemon and Monster Hunter and I also like farming sims, tower defense, city building and rpgs! I game on Switch, Pc and PS4. And if the new monster hunter comes out on PS5 then I’ll probably have to get that too.

On Wajas you can normally find me obsessively checking if there are new gen 1s for sale. I have a problem, I know. Otherwise, you can also find me trying to design or stalking through the wanted ads/sales/trades threads. Once in a while I’ll also try my hand at crafting with… Mixed results.

What is your favorite rock and plant?
Sapphires are pretty neat! I like the blue ones best because I love the color blue and it’s my birthstone. Win, win. As for plants, I love wisterias.

What is your favorite non-gen 1 Waja?
I don’t have one ^.^’’’ But I don’t know if I could name any waja as my favorite, even from my gen 1s so….

What is your favorite fruit and veggie...and type of bread?
I like apples, honeycrisp ones! As for veggies, I love bok choy. Bread? I like the stuff restaurants give you in the baskets.

What is your favorite dino or extinct critter?
I love plesiosaurs! They’re just neat.

Info dump your favorite media piece, pretend like you're explaining it to someone who has never heard about it and you're trying to convince them it is the bees knees and they should definitely try looking into it.
Monster Hunter! It’s a game where you fight huge creatures, kind of like doing boss fights but the monster is a lot more subtle with the tells and it can take anywhere from 15-50 minutes depending on how skilled you are. There are a ton of weapons from sword and shield, bows, switch axes (sword+axe) or gun lance (yes it’s a lance that’s also a gun). You can play with up to four players which can go great or absolutely terribly depending on who joins your lobby.

What is your favorite Wajas NPC?
Probably Fortuna. I have a custom of her, hehehe.

What is your favorite marking/mutation/breed?
I really like powder right now but I like most markings. For muts I really like punk mane but it can be hard to get and I love tempests!

What is your favorite item(s)?
Dark shadows/dramatic shading is probably a standard for dressups. But I really love contact items.

If you were trapped on an island with any three things from Wajas, with no limitations, what three things would you choose and why?
A water waja to provide companionship and help me find food. A hatchet so I can cut down trees to make a fort and an Antique Couch Blue so I don’t have to sleep on the floor/sand/leaves.

What meme best describes you?

If you design Wajas, do you enjoy working with certain mutation/marking/color combinations and if so, what are they and why?
I love biv and gold colors and dark, dark bases. Recently though, I’ve been liking pink a lot more. As for markings I typically use whatever I have currently in my inventory at the time because I like to design as cheap as possible hahaha. Most of the time I forget to add token marks and then have to figure out if I want two muts or if I can add a random token mark in.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
Short story: I have one dog, one lizard and 8 snakes.

Long story: I have a dachshund/beagle/mutt mix named Leo who sheds like a german shepard. (all the breeds you could’ve shed like and it’s the absolute worst, why….) He was found in the middle of a freeway by my dad’s coworkers and then my dad brought him home. Without telling anyone. When I moved out, he became mine.

I have a bearded dragon rescue named Hestia. She was an old coworker’s exfriend’s pet that was abandoned at the coworker’s home. Said coworker didn’t even know reptiles needed heat so I quickly accepted her into my home. She’s weird and hates all veggies and fruits so I have to bribe her to eat them.

Then the 8 snakes. Two are mexican black king snakes, named Spooky Scary and Unagiko. Two corn snakes, named Firecracker (albino) and Gnocchi (scaleless). Three garter snakes, Mikoto, Elise (albino) and Bernadetta. (Kudos if you know how I named them.) And then my vietnamese blue beauty rat snake, Rakuyo.

I am surrounded by long idiots.

Do you remember, way back when you first joined Wajas, the first Waja that really sparked your interest and that you just *had* to have?
Might’ve been this one(smh it’s not even dressed):

I was pretty shy when I first joined and almost never posted on the threads but I saw this design on presale and went ahead and ordered it. I remember being pretty excited about it too!

How did you find Wajas?
Friend at school told me and another friend to join and I’m not sure how she found it. I am the only friend left playing. They think it’s hilarious that I still play.

Now that you’re on the team, what are you most excited about? Also, can you tell us anything about what’s going on behind the scenes? You know…on the down low. No one has to know. ;D
I’m excited to figure out how everything works, hahaha. There’s a lot to learn and I’m looking forward to it! As for behind the scenes stuff, there’s so much going on! Like wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy? And, HIPPITY, HOPPITY, GET OFF MY PROPERTY.

Introducing: Forum Moderator, Thayet!
Tell us about yourself:
Hello! I’m Thayet and I’ve been hanging around Wajas since 2009. I’ve taken some hiatuses, so I haven’t always been around, but I always come back to the site. I love designing and creating dressups on the site, it’s a fun and creative outlet as someone who isn’t very artistically inclined. I’ve also loved being involved in many user events over the years, including the STS secret Santa and the Waja’s Faceoff design competition. I’m not the most active on the forums overall, but hopefully, you’ve seen me around at some point!

In the real world, I am a Canadian college professor, and I am so lucky to have my dream job. I get to teach people about working in the horse industry and help them build strong foundational skills in equine care and business management. I have one horse and four cats, and I love them all! I also love to read, and crochet, and I spend as much of my free time at the barn as I can.

I’m so excited and honoured to be joining the Wajas staff. I am looking forward to getting to meet more of the amazing Wajas community and helping to keep the site the magical and wonderful place that it is!

What is your favorite rock and plant?
Hematite (no contest) and forget-me-nots for sure. I kill plants so… I like them from afar!

What is your favorite non-gen 1 Waja?
I went further to only non-gen 2 Wajas because otherwise picking would be impossible…

Blush would have to be my favourite. I’ve had her since 2011 and she is the Waja reference I used when I first started buying art and tags on the site and continued to do so for many years. She may be a gen 4, but I adore her, and she will never be replaced!

What is your favorite fruit and veggie...and type of bread?
It really depends on what mood I’m in, they all tend to change. If I had to pick one of each I’d probably have to go with Mango, Broccoli, and Rye bread (unless garlic bread counts… then garlic bread).

What is your favorite dino or extinct critter?
I honestly haven’t thought enough about them to have a favourite? I love learning about ancient critters and dinos though, so I'm always interested in learning more! I really enjoyed watching the Dino-vember information series last year, so hoping that social media creator does another round this year!

Info dump your favorite media piece, pretend like you're explaining it to someone who has never heard about it and you're trying to convince them it is the bees knees and they should definitely try looking into it.
Oooooh… this is a tough one. How to choose just one….Ok

If you have never played Hollow Knight I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s a Metroidvania-style game with the most stunning art style I’ve ever seen. I’m a very visual person so the animation and design of a game usually have a high impact on my interest level, and Hollow Knight hits it out of the park all around. I played it completely blind the first time I ever played, had never even heard of it before that, and honestly, I would pay a LOT of money to be able to get to play it for the first time again. Some parts can be challenging, but overall (as a casual gamer) I found it to be very playable and rewarding. It has an emotional and mysterious storyline, unbelievable music (I listen to the soundtrack at work as background music), and a cool combat style. It’s on multiple platforms and is relatively affordable as it was created by a small indie game studio in Australia, so if you haven’t played it, you 100000% should! Oh also the sequel is coming out in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future, so even more excitement to come!

What is your favorite Wajas NPC?
Krait, the clear and obvious choice. Mysterious, non-existent, yet still manages to run a busy shop… so impressive.

What is your favorite marking/mutation/breed?
It’s so hard to choose… It really depends on the design overall. If I had to choose one of each it would probably be Underside, Colo(u)red Nose, and Velox/Divine/Arctic (I can’t pick just one!)

What is your favorite item(s)?
This is such a hard question to answer… there are so many amazing items that I love to use, depending on the dressup I’m putting together. I would probably have to go with dark shadows though. I use it on almost every single dressup, it’s such a versatile item and it’s also easy to get so I love it.

If you were trapped on an island with any three things from Wajas, with no limitations, what three things would you choose and why?
Hmm… tough choice… I’m assuming it’s a tropical island with a beach… that seems fair…

I’d have to start with the clear choice of Apollo. Once we got tired of being on the island he could just fly us home to Lunaria again. Makes the island more like a beach vacation than a trial, right?

The Second would probably be a forum goblin, they always have useful stuff to throw at you right? Some of his stuff might not be super useful, but who doesn’t want slushies and fizzy drinks, and a hotdog on their beach day? Also, I’m pretty sure he’s relatively small so Apollo could probably carry us both back…

And last but not least I would definitely want to bring the Collection of Books, so I have some good reading material to enjoy while I sip my slushie and lounge on the beach.

What meme best describes you?
This Is Fine GIFs | Tenor

If you design Wajas, do you enjoy working with certain mutation/marking/color combinations and if so, what are they and why?
I really like finding new and interesting ways to use mutations, markings, and colours depending on what the design calls for. I’m not a huge fan of designing with the breeds or mutations I don’t love, but there are always exceptions. I also LOVE using all the mutation markings, they are the best!

My favourite thing to do is to design from a reference image. I have aphantasia, so I don’t have a mind’s eye, I can’t “imagine” anything or visualize anything. Because of this, I feel colours as a physical feeling (think about how you would imagine the feeling on an orange peel, sandpaper, or satin, colours have similar associations in my brain), so I really enjoy making designs that share the same overall "feeling" as a reference image without creating a direct, literal translation. I also really love finding a way to translate a reference image or character into a literal translation as well. These are by far my favourite kind of design projects to do.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
I have four cats (it wasn’t on purpose, I swear! The cat distribution system works too well!) as well as one horse. Calvin (Vino) and Hobbes (Bubba) were my first two cats. They are brothers that I adopted from my local shelter. Calvin is orange, Hobbes is pure white, yes they are backward based on colour, and I originally planned to change their names when I got them home, but personality-wise the names are just too perfect!
I also have Mini, a tiny long-haired cat I found in a snowstorm who followed me to my front door screaming at me to take her inside. No one ever claimed her, so she became part of the family. The final addition to our little clutter was Bawsy (Zuzu), a feral kitten who needed a home as all his siblings had been adopted. Thankfully they are all wonderful and get along super well. I’m so lucky to have them!

I have had my horse for 6 years and owned her for a short time many years ago when I was in University, and she was a youngster. She is such a sweet and wonderful horse, and she has spent the past two years as a broodmare and has produced two stunning foals! She is getting this year off for some much-deserved downtime, so I’m hoping to get some riding in this winter.

Do you remember, way back when you first joined Wajas, the first Waja that really sparked your interest and that you just *had* to have?
I was given this Waja when I first joined the site, and I still love her! She was my very first Wooj, and she will always have a home in my cave!

How did you find Wajas?
I honestly don’t remember… 2009 was a long time ago… but I’m so glad I did!

Now that you’re on the team, what are you most excited about? Also, can you tell us anything about what’s going on behind the scenes? You know…on the down low. No one has to know. ;D
I have been so excited to learn that the Wajas staff aslkdfjaskldf alskdjflkasjdf ksdjf skdjfl laksjdflaksdfja ksjdfl jkasdf askdjfalskdj. L aksjflasdfjals kjsadlfjlaskdaf jfasdf lkdfj aslkdjf alskdjflaksjdf laskjdfwejsdlfkj dflisfnwlejalsfdaisdf wjlkasjfasdfj arctics?!? So far I think I am most amazed by the ;alskjdf;lka d. sldfjk l;aksjd flkjasljd f;laksj df;lkasjdlfkja ;lksjdfaklsjdf; lkajs dlkfj ;lkj alksjd;lfkja;lskjdflkj ;lkjas;lkjdf;laksjd; fjasjdflalknlksd fjdkl jf;alkjsdfalwkje ;lkjsdfj as;lk fl kawjeiorj asdf spinning. It’s unbelievable that theyalskjdflajsdl;k a;lksjdf asjdflkn alksjdf;asjdfnalskd fj;asjdfoihaser;lkajsdihfoahs oaisjeha;sdhf oiash. f;ah dsofih ;aosheorhahsdfjh aoishdgoiah;erkabjsdjfh asoihfdawoi should know. How exciting right?!?

Introducing: Forum Moderator, Simba!
Tell us about yourself:
Hello, my name is Simba and I'm a 29 year old female and I live in the US. I have two dogs but no children. My dogs are spoiled rotten but I love them anyway. I work on the billing side of a hospital and work from home. I love to read, play games and crochet in my spare time.

I love to design on wajas and have spent to much time in the demo. I also dabble in making crafts and have started to get back into making more recently.

What is your favorite rock and plant? Amethyst and Tiger Lily

What is your favorite non-gen 1 Waja?

What is your favorite fruit and veggie...and type of bread?
Fruit: Strawberries
Veggie: Broccoli
Bread: Texas roadhouse rolls + the butter

What is your favorite dino or extinct critter?

Info dump your favorite media piece, pretend like you're explaining it to someone who has never heard about it and you're trying to convince them it is the bees knees and they should definitely try looking into it.
It's hard to just choose one thing! But I really enjoyed Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief. Its a young adult fiction book written by Rick Riordan. The book follows a young demigod as he goes on a quest of a lifetime. Grover and Annabeth join him in stopping Zeus and Poseidon from starting an all out war, over a missing Lightning bolt. Who was the thief? Well Zeus seems to think it was Poseidon with the help of his son Percy. It's up to Percy to start his quest to find the lightning bolt and return it before things get out of hand.

What is your favorite Wajas NPC?
George, the bank teller

What is your favorite marking/mutation/breed?
Paint Spray. Impkin Mane, African

What is your favorite item(s)?
Lemon, Leviathan Teeth, Alien parasite

If you were trapped on an island with any three things from Wajas, with no limitations, what three things would you choose and why?
Blazing Aura for warmth, fire and light. The ship from the Viking ship wp. Pear tree for unlimited food.

What meme best describes you?

If you design Wajas, do you enjoy working with certain mutation/marking/color combinations and if so, what are they and why?
I really like using paintspray as it is one of my favorite markings. But when designing I like to try out different marking and mutation combos.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
I just really liked the colors on this one. I have a pitbull mix named Ares who is about 3 years old. He is a big baby and loves attention and cuddles. I also have a foster dog named Zappa who is a hound mix. He is from a local animal shelter and we house him till he gets adopted.

Do you remember, way back when you first joined Wajas, the first Waja that really sparked your interest and that you just *had* to have?

How did you find Wajas?
I don't remember how I found wajas! I believe it was through a old roleplaying website.

Now that you’re on the team, what are you most excited about? Also, can you tell us anything about what’s going on behind the scenes? You know…on the down low. No one has to know. ;D
I'm excited to start helping out with more of the events on the site. No I cant tell you anything as we have been sworn to secretary. However I can say there are some VH7YLlF0_o.png!
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