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Bulky Gifts And A More Inclusive Tree
Code December 7, 2023 2:35 pm
Update Dec 14: All gifts are now sent using the new Bulky Gift code.

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Wajas Gifting Tree, we've added some cool new features.

Bulky Gifts

First off, gifts can now contain up to five different items! You are no longer limited to a single item, making it easier to gift a breeding pair, or bundles of things that just go together. You can still send a single item if you want, or two different items, or a couple items and some WC. Or go all out and a shiny CWP! We call this new feature Bulky Gifts.

When you gift someone, you will see a new notice at the top offering to send them a Bulky Gift; clicking that link brings you to the new Gifting page.

The new Bulk Gifting page uses the Inventory Picker, making it easier to choose items on mobile and with large inventories.

Choose the item you want to send, enter a quantity, then click ADD ITEM. The item will appear on the left.

Now we can choose another item from our inventory and add it to the gift:

We can switch it up and add some WC:

When you're done added items click CONTINUE TO STEP 2 and proceed like you always have. One small thing we added was < and > controls to browse through the gift boxes.

Continue to Step 3 to preview your gift, then click SEND GIFT to send it off.

Before you send your gift you can always go back to a previous step to make changes. Add another item! Elaborate on your note!

A More Inclusive Tree

The second new feature is the addition of some new Tree Settings:

A third option for receiving gifts has been added for those who don't want to receive anonymous gifts.

You can also say what you're celebrating. It can be one of the traditional holidays or something else entirely. You can also say when you're celebrating. Both of these will appear on your Gifting Tree page, and the date will be the default "don't open before" date for Bulky Gifts sent to you.

Note that these new settings only apply to Bulky Gifts, as the old Gifting code does not know about them. The new Bulky Gifts will soon be the default.

Some Tips
  • At any step you can remove an item from the gift by clicking the circle-X glyph next to it.
  • If you want to add more of an item that's already in the gift, just add that quantity. In other words, if I decided to send three more bamboo shoots I would go back to step one and add 2 more of them.
  • The default "don't open before" date for Bulky Gifts is December 25 unless the recipient has set a different celebration date. If you want them to be able to open the gift immediately you can leave the date blank.
  • We plan to make Bulky Gifts the default in a few days. You'll still be able to send a gift with a single item of course, but we want everyone to be on the new code.
  • If you run into any issues with these new features please use the Modbox to report the
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