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Aero's New Themes
Code January 9, 2024 5:50 am

Aero's site themes are now the default for reasons explained below in the original news post.

If you find any outstanding readability issues please report them on this forum thread so we can address them. Many, many thanks to everyone who beta tested these new themes and reported issues. They are already making it easier to add new features, and a lot of people are using the new Mysterious theme.

For reference and comparision you can temporarily switch back to the old themes is Settings > Preferences, but that option will go away next week.

Original News Post:

Our site themes were created over a number of years by various people, and behind the scenes they have become difficult to make changes and additions to. For instance if we add a new widget to the site (think the Waja Picker, or the Inventory Filter) eighteen different files need to be updated, and that change might be easy or it might not.

Over the past few months Aero has spent a lot of time organizing and cleaning up our site themes, making them more consistent and easier to make changes to going forward. Staff has been using these new themes for the past few months and we're pretty happy with them, but before we throw the switch and make them live for everyone we would like you to try them out and give us your feedback so we know we haven't missed anything. Our little site has become pretty huge over the years, and we could really use your help to make sure these new themes work well across all our site pages.

Aero's new themes are hidden behind an experimental Waja Labs setting, check the box and update preferences to enable them:

Your theme will look mostly the same as it did before, and you might not even notice any difference. In some places you might notice that text is more readable, or a highlight color might look a little different. If you notice something that looks bad, or text is is not as legible to you, or looks drastically different, or you find is some other problem, please report it on this feedback thread.

We urge you to spend at least a little time using the new version of the themes you already use, so there are no surprises when we make the new themes live.

A new dark theme: Mysterious

Aero has created a brand new theme named "Mysterious" that we know you're gonna love if you're a fan of dark themes like we are. Mysterious is only available when "Use aero's themes" is turned on. Design is by aero of course, header art is by Estuko.

Final thoughts

We recognize that a change which one person loves (because text is now easier for them to read for instance) will annoy someone else because the text is a slightly different shade of green than before. Please keep in mind that 1) different people will have different opinions, and 2) we're trying our best to make things better. Feel free to share your opinion, but please be respectful and recognize that as much as we would love to please everyone, that doesn't happen nearly as often as we would like it to.

Thanks for your help testing these!

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