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The Project Manager Arrives!
𝙖𝙚𝙧𝙤 January 26, 2024 9:10 am
We're excited to launch a brand new feature this year: the Project Manager! It provides a way of organizing each of your projects, keeping track of what you need for it as well as a mini-stash of the items you're saving for it.

Projects can be used for many purposes. Use it to set aside what you need for a new Custom. Or use it to organize your inventory. Use it as a dynamic collection checklist.

Projects are separate from your Inventory, and each project's stash is separate from your main Stash. The Project Manager can be accessed through the Explore menu.

To begin, head to the Project Manager page, and click the "[fa plus] Add Project" button on the top right.

Next, give your new project a name and a description. The description can be as short or as detailed as you want, and even accepts shortcodes. Click "Save Project" and your new project folder should appear:

Each project has a list of items you need for the project, and a stash of items you have for it. You can think of the needs as a kind of wish list for the project, while the stash holds items moved from your inventory.

Projects in the list have their contents hidden to reduce visual distractions, so the first thing we'll do is click "Show Contents" to see our project in all its glory.

Start adding needs to your project by clicking "[fa plus] Add Need". Select an item and quantity for something your project needs, then click "Add To Needs".

And voila! You've added your required item(s) to your needs list! If you need to edit a need you can click on it and choose "Edit Need" from the dropdown menu:

For this tutorial let's add a few more items. Tip: check the "bulk add" box to add multiple items to your needs list without closing the pop-up. If the item you're adding is in your Inventory it will let you know, and you have the option to add the item to the project's stash at the same time. Adjust each quantity as you'd like.

You'll notice that each item in your needs list has a circular glyph to the left of it. A checkmark indicates you have all of that need in the project stash, while a semi-solid circle indicates you have some of them, and a hollow circle indicates you have none of them.

A green semi-circle indicates that you have at least one of that item in inventory. If that's the case you can click the need and choose "Add to Stash" from the menu if you'd like.

The project's stash sets aside the items you actually have for the project. Add Stash Items by clicking on the button, then add items from your Inventory. When you're done your project might look like this.

You can use an item directly from your stash by clicking on it and choosing an action from the menu.

As you use items from your stash, the quantity needed is adjusted automatically.

Note that the stash in each project is entirely separate from the items in your Inventory. It is also separate from your regular Stash and from the stashes in other projects.

More Details & Tips

As your list of projects gets longer and longer, you can click on a project's name to view it on its own page.

Large projects can contain many items, and you can use the filter to show a specific type of item in your needs and stash (dyes, pears, tokens, etc).

By default the stash shows a minimal Basic View, but you can click on that phrase to choose other views. The Needs View which shows how many of it item you need, Excess View which shows items over and above what's needed, and Used View which shows how many of each item you've used (dyes and dna applied, items equipped, etc).

The Used View is a handy reference when your project is complete, to go back and see what you used for the project. The Used View looks like this:

Each account can have up to 25 Projects. Upgraded accounts have 50 project slots. As you complete a project you can delete it to free up its slot.

If your upgrade lapses you won't be able to modify the projects in your upgraded slots but you will always be able to move stash items back to Inventory. You can also free up a slot by deleting a project (which moves all the stash items back to Inventory).

Some Closing Thoughts

Many many thanks to our wonderful staff and amazing beta testers for all their help making this new feature as great as it is.

We hope you enjoy the Project Manager as much as we do, and find it useful in organizing your own projects! Happy Managing!

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