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Pearadise Festival Winners
Simba May 20, 2024 10:28 pm

The winners of the Pearadise contests have been chosen!  Thank you for partaking in the different events. I will be sending out the main prizes tonight (Tokens and CWP prizes). Part prizes will be sent out a bit later. Keep a look out for them. Also necessary pings will be done in the winner thread, and prizes will follow shortly after.

Have an amazing week, and thank you once more for all of your support!


Coloring Contest

LILAC/5255 - Silver IS Token
ALEX/ 67488- 10 CWP
SKYE/357155- 5 CWP
KIMBO/43466- HM (butterflies)

EGG Dressup

LILAC / 5255 - GOLD IS Token
SKYE / 357155  - SILVER IS Token
CHIKA / 67109 - 10 CWP
EGO / 68063- 7 CWP
ANWYN / 53238 - 5 CWP

Choice Is Yours + I Spy

This is the answer key for the choice is yours event and the bonus event that went along with it. The prizes for this and the I spy evnt have been sent out.

Link Here

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