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Additional Notes about BOGO
Bluee May 23, 2024 1:37 am
We have renamed the Staff Review to Staff and Site Review
Before its rename, we often encouraged users to use Staff Review as a "Site Review" when users had feedback that wasn't applicable to the forums, and we felt as though a rename would make the usability of the feature clearer. We still encourage users to post site suggestions on the forums, since it is a great way to get feedback from multiple users.
Some examples for what is better suited to the Staff and Site Review forum board include: feedback about staff behavior, feedback about site management, feedback about a new site feature/event*, or any other feedback regarding the site and staff that you would like to be anonymous.
*These topics can also be submitted on the forums. It is up to a user's judgement whether they feel it is better for a site discussion or private feedback.

Buying and Reselling Clarification
We have had some questions about buying/reselling items to get around the limits, and we wanted to provide clarifying information.

If you want to offer to send CWP to someone and have them buy the items from the CWP shop and then send the items back to you we have two types of allowable situations:
  1. If you're not offering additional compensation, then this would be considered a loan and must be handled privately (i.e., not on the forums); 
  2. If you're offering compensation for this trade, then you may publicly advertise that you are looking for these types of trades. 
    1. Compensation should be fair to both parties. 
Both of these situations should be conducted between active and established users. If an account is only being accessed to buy/send the items, then we will consider that as funneling/benefitting from multiple accounts which is a freezable offense. 

Do not ask a friend to make a new account or return to a previously inactive account in order to work around the limits.

We will be monitoring this event and may make changes to our rules for future CWP shop releases.

If you haven't heard about the CWP Bogo Sale and accompanying item sale, be sure to check out this News Post

New Item
[item id="10226"]
Phoenix Essence Empty was sent out as an activity gift and has also been added to the CWP Shop! Thank you to Estuko for making the original Phoenix Essence Peacock bottle item and thank you Fatal for providing us with an empty version.

Additional Art Credit Notes
Thank you to Estuko for providing the Phoenix Peacock recolor.
Thank you to Fatal for providing the Garden Bridge Night Wallpaper recolor.
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