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Updates to the Library + Mining Cave
🎄 Sadi 🎄 May 30, 2024 2:21 pm

Please note: we have a new tag labelled "Library Updates", if you do not wish to see any library updates going forward, please go into your News Post Settings and turn off alerts for library updates.

  • We will be using the site tag for this one as some stuff changed in the Mining Cave.
  • Going forward, unless it impacts other areas of the site, we will only use "Library Updates" for any notes about pages updated or made in the library.

Hello, hello all my fantastic users!  Just popping in to let you know that we have finally finished up the Mining Cave Guide (which also includes the Raccoon King walkthrough) and that the Mining Cave has seen a small bit of a face lift.  Changes made to the Mining Cave are as follows:

  • Updates to the wording on the landing page when no Waja is active to mine.
    • Added links where relevant (to the upgrade page and to the CWP shop).
    • Added a link to the Mining Cave Guide (this was also added to all cave pages when a Waja is equipped, it is in the top right corner above the map).
  • When you try to train a Waja but do not have the funds, the error message now directs you to our games to earn money.
  • The page where you select a cave now has text identifying which cave is which.
    • Thank you Fatal!
    • He is working on getting the Scribbles map updated still, that will get added ASAP.

Thank you all for your patience while we revamped our Mining Cave Guide, and a huge shout out to the Library Helpers and Staff who helped go through and looked over the guide for me.  You're all phenomenal.

We will have more updates coming soon to our library, this was just the most pressing one.

Happy Thursday y'all!

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