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June Monthly Items and May Coder Recap
🎄 Sadi 🎄 June 3, 2024 1:13 pm
  • Spin2Win: disable sound
  • improvements to the ShopItem component (widget that presents shop items for purchase)
  • Recent Items: a green bullet now indicates unread posts
  • pedigree chart now has females on the left, like elsewhere on the site
  • Library FAQ pages are more readable
  • Transfer Item improvements
  • Waja detail page: improvements to the Transfer section
  • Raccoon King dialog text and other Mining Cave improvements with Sadi and Fatal
  • Mining Cave gives better feedback when choosing a cave entrance
  • Guild improvements around members, invites, etc
  • CWP Shop now supports items with limited stock and user purchase limits; other improvements
  • Guild raffles are no longer limited to Accessory items
  • When breeding a waja, the list no longer includes pups
  • Waja Search improvements
  • various bug fixes
For the month of May

Coming Soon/Misc Changes/Notes:
  • Library Updates: We finished the Mining Cave and Raccoon King Quest Guide last month, as well as gave the Mining Cave landing page a bit of an update.  This month we will be focusing on revamping the "How to obtain a Waja" pages as well as revamping the Waja Park guide.  Make sure you're following the "Library Updates" posts on our news settings if you are interested in knowing when these updates drop.


June Monthly Items

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10227]

Artists: Sparra
[item id=10228] [item id=10229] [item id=10230] [item id=10231] [item id=10232]

Artist: Sparra & Mune (hammer)
[item id=10240] [item id=10239] [item id=10238]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10237]

Artist: Sparra & Mune (spike)
[item id=10234] [item id=10235] [item id=10236]

Artist: Mune
[item id=10233]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10246] [item id=10245] [item id=10244] [item id=10248]

Note:These are rereleases, not new items.
[item id=3576] [item id=3577] [item id=3580]

[item id=10243] [item id=10242] [item id=10241]


  • There may be minor games on site and on SM but at this time there is nothing major is scheduled for the month of June.
  • A minor warning: our Festival of Sun is in July, so be on the lookout for that.
If you'd like to share any customs you make during June on our social media page, we now have a post on each platform.  Twitter Share | Facebook Share | Instagram Share.  ♥

Sadi Additional Notes:
  • Make sure to follow us on SM if you can for more fun and games and prizes!

Custom Patch by Bluee (design), Sparra (patch)
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