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A New Arrival!
тнαyet June 28, 2024 3:50 pm

"Hello, hello!

I am so excited to finally be here in Lunaria!

I've been thinking about making a change for a while now, and this just seemed to be the perfect time. I've moved from quite far away, but I'm so excited to get started at my new job in the Wajas Library. It's a lifelong dream of mine to work with books, and I just know this role was meant for me!

With such a big change, I've decided that I need a fresh name for my fresh start. I'm not familiar with the popular names in this area, so I need your help. Please let me know what name you think would suit me best. I'm open to any and all suggestions!

It's going to take a lot of work to get all moved in, I wonder if the other Librarian might help? With a shared passion for books I'm sure we will be instant BFFs!

Even with two of us it may take a little while before you can visit me there, but I'll be sure to announce my new name when my Library section opens up and I'm ready for visitors.

I can't wait to meet you all, I can already tell I'm going to be happy here!"

Name That NPC!

Our newest NPC needs a name, and we need your help! We can't tell you much about her yet, but you'll be seeing her around once she settles into her new job. You can find her NPC page here .

The name will be chosen by staff, and will be announced in the coming weeks. Prizes for this game will be sent out after that.


Please comment on this News Post with your name suggestion.

You must include your ID in your comment.

Each user is permitted 1 name suggestion.
  • Don't use your side account to try and get around this.
If multiple users submit the same name, only the first user to submit that name will be included for consideration and prizes.
  • It is up to you to make sure no one else has suggested your name, we will not be alerting or giving second chances.
  • It's recommended to do a CTRL+F and search for your name before submitting.
Remember, keep the names pg-13.

Ends: June 30th, 2024, at 4:00 pm Wajas time (EST)


Winning name suggestion: 3 CWP
5 randomized prizes: 1 CWP

Thank you for participating!

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