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[Festival of Sun]
Simba July 1, 2024 12:01 am

Main Events Run:
July 1st - July 31st

Queen Felica and King Benedict are at war with each other. They both think that their respective side is the superior side. So, we are asking you, the users, to help with the decision! This month we will be hosting an event where Rubber Ducks are going up against Lawn Flamingos.  

Which side will you choose? Who will win in the end? Only you can help determine that!

Team Sign Ups:

Lawn Flamingos
Rubber Ducky


These will be moving out automatically using the auto mover, which means they will come out one every 10 minutes. Hang tight while the mover does its job. All events will end on the 31st except the Labyrith. Labyrinth will be ending on the 21st.

Please do not pester staff about when things will be judged and announced.We'll aim to have all contests announced within 3-4 weeks from the end date (allowing 2 weeks to judge, 1 week to tally, and then another week for getting credits and winners announced. It does not usually take that long, but this is just to be safe).

Participation prizes for this event are the team mascots:
[item id=10251] [item id=10252]

Done by Sparra

If you have questions please post Q&A Thread and ping the person who is running the contest. IF it is a general question about the event ping Simba (121073).

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