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July Monthly Items + June Coder Recap
🎄 Sadi 🎄 July 2, 2024 3:54 pm
  • Update to Balloon Fight leaderboard
  • Bank was totally rewritten to be more mobile friendly
  • Birthday Cake: add link to the user's profile page
  • Bulk Transfers now timestamp when it was sent (this is for new bulk transfers going forward)
  • Bulk Waja Pricing: now supports the friends-only option
  • Create Custom: notes updated
  • Fancy Editor: the image dialog now supports adding a TITLE attribute for the image
  • Guild Wajas: wajas that change owners no longer disappear from the list of guild wajas
  • Guild Wajas: pending wajas whose current owner is not the requester are no longer listed and cannot be accepted into the guild; also the notification of acceptance now links to the registered waja
  • Library FAQs: scrolls to the top of a question when its expanded
  • Library Craft List now links to craft wajadex pages, and include retired crafts
  • Mining Cave: added hover effect to the cave entrance
  • PIN Settings: PIN should now use the numeric keypad on mobile
  • Preference Settings: tweaked site theme previews
  • Use Token: clicking cancel no longer redirects to a non-existent page
  • Waja Detail page: added "Remove Wallpaper" button to the Equipped Items section
  • Waja Raffles: the start date cutoff now uses server time rather than local time
  • Waja Search:wajas for sale with a price of zero no longer appear in search results
  • WajaDex: craft pages now show the number of copies made
For the month of June

Coming Soon/Misc Changes made:


July Monthly Items

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10254]

Artist: Wisteria: Sparra, Fatal (rainbow recolor) | Clematis: Faeora
[item id=10260][item id=10261][item id=10256][item id=10262][item id=10257][item id=10258][item id=10259]

Artist: Fatal
New Event!!
[item id=10293][item id=10291][item id=10289][item id=10290][item id=10294][item id=10295][item id=10292]

Artist: Flowerstruck: Faeora | The rest: Fatal
[item id=10264][item id=10263][item id=10265][item id=10266][item id=10267]

Artist: City Park FGs: Sparra | The rest: Fatal
[item id=10268][item id=10269][item id=10270][item id=10271][item id=10272][item id=10273][item id=10274][item id=10275]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10277][item id=10276]

Artist: Faeora
[item id=10278]

Artist: Faeora
[item id=10279]

Artist: Fatal
[item id=10255]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10280][item id=10281][item id=10282][item id=10283][item id=10284]
Mining Cave
Sparkling Grotto

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10285][item id=10287][item id=10286][item id=10288]

It's time for our Festival of the Sun event!  Simba has graciously been heading this and has done a phenomenal job.  Please visit the links above to check out the events.  To read more about the ongoings, please see this news post.  We hope that you have a fantastic time!

Sadi Additional Notes:
  • There will be some Social Media games this month as well to further celebrate the Festival of the Sun, I just do not currently have them scheduled.  Once I know what I am going to do and when, I'll do a news post with the "Social Media" tag.  Make sure if you are interested in that notification you are following alerts for that tag by checking out here.
    • Discussion for what games you'd love to see can be found here.
  • If you didn't see, the Trivia was also updated today.  More on that here.

Custom Patch Designed by Danny
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