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Social Media Game Announcement
🎄 Sadi 🎄 July 11, 2024 12:22 pm

As per the Monthly Updates News Post done earlier this month, here are the dates that I have scheduled social media minigames for:

  • July 12th - July 14th, Spot the Difference
    • Send all answers to Sadi.
    • Prize is: Doodlecorn Ducky King
  • July 19th - July 21st, Spot the Difference
    • Send all answers to Sadi.
    • Prize is: Doodlecorn Mingo Queen
  • July 26th, Discussion Post (posted cross all three platforms)
    • Respond in post comments.
    • Prize is: Doodlecorn Ducky or Doodlecorn Mingo based on answer.
      • Ducky - duck answer
      • Mingo - flamingo answer
    • You can only answer on one platform, posting on multiple platforms to get around the only one prize per person will result in potential onsite reprocussions.
    • You do not need to answer based on your onsite team.


  • I reserve the right to do impromptu games as I see fit, this is just a list of known minigames.
  • The Ducky King and Mingo Queen Doodlecorns will be joining our Misc Prizes and will be available even after this event.
  • A huge thank you to Fatal for making them for us.
  • I will do my best to have prizes for this out before I leave for my trip on the 12th, if it is not done by then though, it will not be done until after I return the following Sunday.

Thank you for partaking!

Reminder: I will have a full week of stuff scheduled for our Social Media followers when I leave for vacation - it will all be prescheduled and announced with the August monthly information.  Please keep an eye out for that.

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