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Craft Approvals Begin Again!
Averan July 22, 2024 9:38 am


The day is here: Craft Approvals have resumed with all the new features! That's right, the Updated Craft Tool is fully operational and Crafts are being Approved!

If you haven't checked out the new and exciting Craft features, check out the New Crafting Section before you hop in.

I can't wait to see all the new Crafts begin to appear!"

What's Happening

The full release of the Updated Craft Tool is now Live! You will now see new Crafts being Approved.

Please visit the Crafting Section in the Library for all the information on this update. There are a lot of new features and updates for the Craft tool, so be sure you read everything closely before you start making any Crafts.

If you have any other questions, please visit the Craft Update Questions thread, and the Wajas Staff will be happy to answer them for you!

Also, check out the news post about the release of the NextGen Item Manager! It contains some new and exciting features such as the ability to move Midgrounds, so check it out for more info. It is still under Beta and is subject to changes and updates, and make sure you report any quirks to the Modbox so they can be addressed!

Please do not post questions on this News Post as they might get lost. Any questions should be directed to the thread if you can't find the answer in the Library pages.

Happy Crafting!
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