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Crafting Item Release
тнαyet August 11, 2024 9:35 pm

Hello hello!

Can you believe I've been here in Lunaria for a month already? Time has just flown by!

I finaly feel all settled into my new home and office, and my new friend Elizabeth suggested that maybe I make some of my crafting supplies available to all of you since I brought so many unique items from home. I've found some similar items here in Lunaria, but they just aren't quite the same. My family loves to send me care packages whenever they find feathers or rocks on their walks, and they were certainly piling up in my office. I do love having everything right in reach when I'm creating a new masterpiece, but Elizabeth is right, I really should share these treasures with all of you!

I've made arrangements with some of the local businesses to make sure everyone who wants them can get their paws on these special supplies. Thankfully I have friends and family back home who send me care packages all the time, so there is plenty to go around! I've made a list below of where you can find everything, so please take a look!

Be sure to thank Elizabeth if you get a chance for her kind and generous suggestion. She's so thoughtful that way!

Artist: Sparra

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Effects Shop

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[item id=10462] [item id=10463] [item id=10464] [item id=10465] [item id=10466]
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