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September Monthly Items and no August Recap :(
🎄 Sadi 🎄 September 1, 2024 9:35 pm
  • No recap coming today, I'll have one tomorrow or Tuesday pending Code's availibility.  Just know...there was :sparkles: stuff :sparkles:
For the month of August
Coming Soon/Misc Changes made:
  • Bronze Tokens Exist!  Check the CWP shop

    We are starting the bronze tokens off as a limited release, because we want to evaluate the impact on the site. Most tokens will be available for two months (until the end of October) except for the seasonal breeds, which will follow their usual release schedule (ex: the bronze forest token will leave around September 23rd).

    At the end of the two months: we may decide to leave the tokens in the CWP shop longer for further evaluation, move them to the token shop, or remove them from the CWP shop and just do occasional releases (like around holidays, etc.).  We will announce any changes via a news post.
  • We will be adjusting the rarities of some dyes in the Mystery Dye Pool. We will continue to monitor the prices and make changes at random intervals.
  • The new dyes in the CWP Shop will be added into the Emporium.
  • New token only markings! 
    • Courtesy of Sparra: 
      • Hooded Rat
      • Orca
      • Witchcraft
      • Banshee
      • Ball Python
    • Courtesy of Fatal/Estu:
      • Stockings
      • Scaled Tail
    • Couresty of Fatal/Sparra:
      • Triggerfish
  • New Mutation Markings!  These will be on more markings, for now they are released on what is listed.
    • Courtesy of Fatal:
      • Dye Brush Secondary on:
        • Bangs, Bob Cut, Crystal, Impkin Tail, Kelpie Hair, Long Hair, Mouth Tail, Rooster Tail, Side Curls, Silky Tail, Skull, Spiked Mane, Talons Front, Talons Rear
      • Bones on:
        • Mouth Tail
      • Pied on:
        • Mouth Tail

September Monthly Items

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10540]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10558] [item id=10557]

Artist: Pears: Fatal | Everything Else: Sparra
These were put in, but put in for the wrong day, check back tomorrow and they should be fully in.  Sorry about that!
[item id=10547] [item id=10545] [item id=10546] [item id=10541] [item id=10542] [item id=10543][item id=10544]

Artist: Wallpaper: Fatal | Snowflakes: Dire | Dye: Sparra
[item id=10552] [item id=10551] [item id=10549] [item id=10550] [item id=10548]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10561] [item id=10562]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10565]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10563] [item id=10564]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10553] [item id=10555] [item id=10554] [item id=10556]

Artist: Tokens: Fatal & Code | Dyes: Sparra
[item id=10538] [item id=10567] [item id=10566]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10568] [item id=10569]

Artist: Sparra
[item id=10560] [item id=10559]



  • Waja Park Release Schedule:
    • First Release: Monday 2nd @ 3 PM
    • Second Release: Thursday 12th @ 3 AM
    • Third Release: Wednesday 18th @ 6 PM
    • Fourth Release: Sunday 22nd @ 6 AM
    • Fifth Release: Friday 27th @ 12 AM
    • Sixth Release: Saturday 28th @ 12 PM
I will do my best to get these out as close to the listed time as possible, however I am setting alarms to wake myself up to do this, so please give me a few minutes to get things out.

These times are based on Wajas Time, which is EST time.


Sadi Additional Notes:
  • As of right now I have no plans for other games.  My main focus is going to be the library and Simba's main focus is going to be working on Fall Fest to come in October.  We hope you'll enjoy the spotlights and the Waja Park release for Subtember.  Have a fantastic September my dears!
  • Make sure to watch our Social Media Platforms for other spotlights:


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