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FoF Round Up
🎄 MERRY Sadimas 🎄 January 30, 2025 3:47 pm
☑ Staff judged contests
☑ Winners announced via NP
☑ Posted those needing to claim on the winner thread
☑ CWP Prizes out
☑ SM Participation Prizes out
☑ Gabby Prizes out
☑ Grinchy Hearts Prizes out
☑ Onsite Participation Prizes out
☑ Onsite Prizes out
For the Festival of Frost Contests

This draws an end to our Festival of Frost!

Thank you all so much for all of the excitement you've displayed for our games this year.  There were several contests that we boosted the prizes because we had so many participants.  Our Prompt and Design contest had nearly 100 entries!  We were truly wowed by this.

Since you all blew it out of the water, we've opted to not only increase the prizes for that contest, but also include a raffle] - where the winners will be randomly drawn.
I will be tagging the winners of tokens in the Winner thread shortly, please respond there with your choice of tokens.  After winners are tagged, I will be getting out participation prizes and winner prizes ASAP.  Once I am done with an individual contest, I will mark in the comments what is done.  After all of the contest for a specific area are out (on site or social media), I will check it off in the list above.  It is my goal to have all things done by the end of the week, but we've got flu in the house, so my realistic goal is going to be by the end of next week.  Just check back in the comments and the checklist to see if something is out.

We hope you'll continue to partake in our games and contests going forward!  Your participation makes all the work to host and judge them worth it!  ♥
Contest Winners

Prompt and Design (judged)
First: [user id=5255] - Diamond Token
(see winner thread for limitations)
Second: [user id=2500] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=376811] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=193922] - Bronze IS Token of Choice OR 15 CWP
Fifth: [user id=344833 - Bronze IS Token of Choice OR 15 CWP
Sixth: [user id=276583 - 10 CWP
Seventh: [user id=367646] - 10 CWP
Eighth: [user id=46081] - 7 CWP
Nineth: [user id=61741] - 5 CWP
Tenth: [user id=4420] - 5 CWP
Honorable Mentions: [user id=293335, [user id=193366, [user id=11517] - 3 CWP

Prompt and Design (raffle)
First: [user id=1828] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=344340] - 10 CWP
Third: [user id=166021] - 5 CWP


IRL Decor
First: [user id=2500] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=231] - 10 CWP
Third: [user id=43466] - 5 CWP
Fourth: [user id=53238] - 3 CWP


Goblin v. Santa Apollo Dress up
First: [user id=376811] - Diamond Token
(see winner thread for limitations)
Second: [user id=187424] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=117060] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=264415] - Bronze IS Token of Choice OR 15 CWP
Fifth: [user id=50443] - Bronze IS Token of Choice OR 15 CWP
Sixth: [user id=231] - 10 CWP
Seventh: [user id=826] - 7 CWP
Eighth: [user id=61741] - 5 CWP
Nineth: [user id=356230] - 3 CWP
Tenth: [user id=288085] - 3 CWP


IRL Natural Environment
First: [user id=231] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=376811] - 10 CWP
Third: [user id=366287] - 5 CWP
Fourth: [user id=43466] - 3 CWP


IRL Food
First: [user id=15980] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=45655] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=231] - Bronze IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=66829] - 10 CWP
Fifth: [user id=93754] - 5 CWP
Honorable Mention: [user id=87911, [user id=259994] - 3 CWP


IRL Crafting
First: [user id=93754] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=359] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=15980] - Bronze IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=2500] - 10 CWP
Fifth: [user id=367466] - 5 CWP
Honorable Mention: [user id=255566] - 3 CWP

Decorate a Wreath
First: [user id=5255] - Diamond Token
(see winner thread for limitations)
Second: [user id=72150] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=231] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=187424] - Bronze IS Token of Choice OR 15 CWP
Fifth: [user id=2500] - Bronze IS Token of Choice OR 15 CWP
Sixth: [user id=129048] - 10 CWP
Seventh: [user id=25092] - 7 CWP
Eighth: [user id=363484] - 5 CWP
Nineth: [user id=368237] - 5 CWP
Tenth: [user id=96611] - 5 CWP
Eleventh: [user id=262560] - 3 CWP


Digital Art
First: [user id=231] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=128239] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=1347] - Bronze IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=357883] - 10 CWP
Fifth: [user id=227784] - 5 CWP
Honorable Mention: [user id=2500, [user id=350700] - 3 CWP


Traditional Art
First: [user id=187424] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=231] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=128239] - Bronze IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=2500] - 10 CWP
Fifth: [user id=383517] - 5 CWP


Comic Writing Contest
First: [user id=231] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=293717] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=93754] - Bronze IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=826] - 10 CWP
Fifth: [user id=53238] - 5 CWP
Honorable Mention: [user id=2500] - 3 CWP


Gifting Tree Decorating
First: [user id=826] - Gold IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=187424] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Third: [user id=87911] - Bronze IS Token of Choice
Fourth: [user id=96611] - 10 CWP
Fifth: [user id=93754] - 5 CWP
Honorable Mention: [user id=2500, [user id=149735, [user id=203012] - 3 CWP


IRL Ornaments
First: [user id=231] - Silver IS Token of Choice
Second: [user id=255566] - 10 CWP
Third: [user id=179881] - 5 CWP
Fourth: [user id=93754] - 3 CWP


Gabby Winners
[user id=177242] -  Silver IS Token
[user id=203012] -  Bronze IS Token
[user id=34075] -  DNA of Choice
[user id=20917] -  DNA of Choice
[user id=34075] -  Dye of Choice
[user id=288085] -  Dye of Choice
[user id=93167] -  5 CWP
[user id=138612] -  5 CWP
[user id=93167] -  3 CWP
[user id=53238] -  3 CWP
[user id=294937] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=211920] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=53238] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=15980] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=211920] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=53238] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=93167] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=93167] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=27858] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=93167] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=278585] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=34075] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=177242] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=177242] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=53238] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=177242] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=72414] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=93754] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=288085] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)
[user id=53238] -  Misc Prize of Choice (see list below for what is included)


Crossword Game Answers:
1 Project Manager
2 Library
3 Modbox
4 Pup Predictor
5 Settings


Unscramble Game Answers:
Snow Fort
Sealed Letter
Sealed Letter


I Spy Game Answers:

Staff Contest Winners

Prompt and Design
First: [user id=121073]
Second: [user id=127580]
Third: [user id=72787]
Fourth: [user id=4768]
Fifth: [user id=73846]
Sixth: [user id=61248]


Goblin v. Santa Apollo Dress up
First: [user id=68408]
Second: [user id=121073]
Third: [user id=2122]
Fourth: [user id=84832]
Fifth: [user id=72787]


Decorate a Wreath
First: [user id=122477]
Second: [user id=127580]
Third: [user id=68408]
Fourth: [user id=41469]


IRL Crafting
First: [user id=2122]
Second: [user id=84832]
Third: [user id=7522]
Fourth: [user id=68408]
Fifth: [user id=41469]

End of FoF Credits

Tons of our staff worked so so hard to make this event a success.  Please join me in thanking the following staff members:
Code: For dealing with any behind the scenes blips and for running the Goblin Gift Exchange for us.
Bluee: For keeping Sadi in line and reminding her of the things she'd forgotten.
Simba, Bluee, Zeldruin, Thayet: For assisting in running the Grinchy Heart rounds.
Charmanth, Zeldruin: For assisting in handing out prompts for the Prompt and Design.
A big thank you to the Staff who gave out staff gifts.

Artists who did items:
Charmanth: Painted Ornament.
Sparra: Snowy Street Corner WPs, Flock of Chickadees, Frozen Flower Earpieces, Elf Owl, Snow Fort pieces, Glowing Light Strings Foreground and Midground.
The Grand Admiral: Radioactive Raspberry, Radioactive Prism, Flaming recolors.
Faeora: Snowy Overlay Foreground.
Fatal: Phoenix Recolors.

We hope you all enjoyed the event, and look forward to seeing you in the future events! ♥
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